Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents an individual menu item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu rendered using the <a> link element to let the browser process the specified HRef URL.
String: Returns or sets the URL to navigate to when this item is clicked. (Default: ""
String: Returns or sets where to open the URL specified in HRef. (Default: ""
EventHandler Fired when the HRef property value changes.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the main menu in a Form.
Initializes a new instance of the MainMenu class without any specified menu items.
Initializes a new instance of the MainMenu class with the specified container.
Name | Type | Description |
Initializes a new instance of the MainMenu with a specified set of MenuItem objects.
Boolean: Enables the overflow handling which automatically removes items that don't fit in the MainMenu and adds them to a drop-down button. (Default: True
Color: Returns or sets the background color of the main menu bar.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether clicking menu items causes validation to be performed on the active control. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the menu is visible. (Default: True
Font: Returns or sets the font of the main menu bar.
Color: Returns or sets the text color of the main menu bar.
RightToLeft: Returns or sets whether the text displayed by the control is displayed from right to left.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the menu is visible. (Default: True
Creates a new MainMenu that is a duplicate of the current MainMenu.
Returns: MainMenu. A MainMenu that represents the cloned menu.
Returns the Form that contains this menu.
Returns: Form. A Form that is the container for this menu. Returns null if the MainMenu is not currently hosted on a form.
Hides the main menu.
Shows the main menu.
Updates the component on the client. Overridden to update the owner form.
EventHandler Fired when the BackColor property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the CausesValidation property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the Enabled property value has changed.
EventHandler Fired when the Font property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the ForeColor property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the Visible property value changes.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents an individual menu item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu and always shows a checkbox next to the label.
Name | Description |
Wisej.Web.Menu MenuItemCollection
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a collection of MenuItem objects.
Initializes a new instance of MenuItemCollection.
Name | Type | Description |
Int32: Returns the number of items in the collection.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether this collection can be modified.
MenuItem: Retrieves the item at the specified index within the collection.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index was less than zero; or the index was greater of equal to the count of items in the collection.
MenuItem: Retrieves the item at the specified index within the collection.
Adds an item to the list of items.
Returns: MenuItem.
Adds an item to the list of items.
Returns: MenuItem.
Adds an item to the list of items.
Returns: MenuItem.
Adds an item to the list of items.
Returns: Int32.
Adds an item to the list of items.
Returns: Int32.
Adds a collection of items to the list.
Removes all items from the Menu.
Removes and disposes all items from the Menu.
Determines if the specified item is located within the collection.
Returns: Boolean. true if the item is located within the collection; otherwise, false.
Determines if the specified item is located within the collection.
Returns: Boolean. true if the item is located within the collection; otherwise, false.
Copies the entire collection into an existing array of objects at a specified location within the array.
Finds all the items with a specific key.
Returns: MenuItem[].
Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the item collection.
Returns: IEnumerator. A IEnumerator that represents the item collection.
Retrieves the index within the collection of the specified item.
Returns: Int32. The zero-based index where the item is located within the collection; otherwise, -1.
ArgumentNullException The value parameter was null.
Retrieves the index within the collection of the specified item.
Returns: Int32. The zero-based index where the item is located within the collection; otherwise, -1.
Removes the specified item from the list.
Removes an item at the specified index.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index parameter was less than zero, or the index parameter was greater than or equal to the count of items in the collection.
Removes the item with the specified key.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents an individual item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu.
Initializes a MenuItem with a blank caption.
Initializes a new instance of the MenuItem class with a specified caption for the menu item.
Name | Type | Description |
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified caption and event handler for the Click event of the menu item.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified caption, event handler, and associated shortcut key for the menu item.
Initializes a new instance of the class with a specified caption and an array of submenu items defined for the menu item.
Initializes a new instance of the MenuItem class with a specified caption; defined event-handlers for the Click, Select and Popup events; a shortcut key; a merge type; and order specified for the menu item.
Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the control can display HTML in the Text property. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the application blocks the browser with a modal mask when this menu item is clicked and until the server is done processing the execution request. (Default: False
Color: Returns or sets the background color of the menu item.
CharacterCasing: Returns or sets the case of the text to display to the user. (Default: Normal
Boolean: Returns or sets whether a check mark appears next to the text of the menu item. (Default: False
ArgumentException The MenuItem is a top-level menu or has children.
ICommand: Returns or sets the ICommand implementation to invoke. (Default: null
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the menu item is enabled. (Default: True
Font: Returns or sets the font of the menu item.
Color: Returns or sets the text color of the menu item.
Form: Returns the Form that owns the Menu.
Image: Returns or sets the icon that is displayed by MenuItem.
String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the icon to display in the MenuItem.
Int32: Returns or sets a value indicating the position of the menu item in its parent menu.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The assigned value is less than zero or greater than the item count.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the menu item contains child menu items.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the menu item will be populated with a list of the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child windows that are displayed within the associated form. (Default: False
Int32: Returns or sets a value indicating the relative position of the menu item when it is merged with another. (Default: 0
MenuMerge: Returns or sets a value indicating the behavior of this menu item when its menu is merged with another. (Default: Add
Menu: The parent menu that contains this menu item
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the MenuItem, if checked, displays a radio-button instead of a check mark. (Default: False
Shortcut: Returns or sets a value indicating the shortcut key associated with the menu item. (Default: None
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the shortcut key that is associated with the menu item is displayed next to the menu item caption. (Default: True
MenuItemSizeMode: Returns or sets how the menu item is resized when in a MenuBar or MainMenu (Default: Auto
Control: Returns the Control that owns the ContextMenu.
String: Returns or sets a value indicating the text of the menu item. Use "-" to display the menu separator.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the menu item is visible. (Default: True
Creates a copy of the current MenuItem.
Returns: MenuItem. A MenuItem that represents the duplicated menu item.
Merges this MenuItem with another MenuItem and returns the resulting merged MenuItem.
Returns: MenuItem. A MenuItem that represents the merged menu item.
Generates a Click event for the MenuItem, simulating a click by a user.
Fires the Select event for this menu item.
Updates the component on the client.
EventHandler Fired when the BackColor property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the Checked property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the menu item is clicked or selected using a shortcut key or access key defined for the menu item.
EventHandler Fired when the Command property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the Font property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the ForeColor property value changes.
EventHandler Occurs before a menu item's list of menu items is displayed.
EventHandler Fired when the user places the pointer over a menu item.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the Text property value changes.
Name | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Bindable components implement this interface.
Defines an object that can invoke a Command.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
Bindable components implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The text of the new menu item.
The text of the new menu item.
An event handler for the click event.
The text of the new menu item.
List of child menu items.
The new menu item.
The index where to add/insert the new menu item.
The MenuItem to add to the collection
Indicates whether the removed items should be disposed.
An object representing the item to locate in the collection.
The key of the item to locate.
The object array to copy the collection to.
The location in the destination array to copy the collection to.
The key of the item to locate.
Indicates that the search should include child items.
The menu item to locate.
The key for the menu item to locate.
The item to remove.
The index of the item to remove.
The key of the menu item to remove.
The caption for the menu item.
The EventHandler that handles the Click event for this menu item.
The caption for the menu item.
The EventHandler that handles the Click event for this menu item.
One of the Shortcut values.
The caption for the menu item.
An array of MenuItem objects that contains the submenu items for this menu item.
One of the MenuMerge values.
The relative position that this menu item will take in a merged menu.
One of the Shortcut values.
The caption for the menu item.
The EventHandler that handles the Click event for this menu item.
The EventHandler that handles the Popup event for this menu item.
The EventHandler that handles the Select event for this menu item.
An array of MenuItem objects that contains the submenu items for this menu item.
Represents an individual menu item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu and always shows a checkbox next to the label.
Represents an individual menu item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu rendered using the <a> link element to let the browser process the specified HRef URL.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Defines an object that can invoke a Command.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
An IContainer representing the container of the MainMenu.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Defines an object that can invoke a Command.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The Menu object that owns the collection.
The caption for the menu item.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a menu bar component.
Initializes a new instance of the MenuBar class.
Boolean: Enables the overflow handling which automatically removes items that don't fit in the MenuBar and adds them to a drop-down menu button. (Default: True
BorderStyle: Returns or sets the border style of the MenuBar control. (Default: None
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control causes validation to be performed on controls that require to be validated when this control receives focus. (Default: False
DockStyle: (Default: None
MenuItemCollection: Returns the collection of MenuItem objects associated with the menu.
MenuItemEventHandler Fired when a new menu item is added to the MenuItemCollection.
MenuItemEventHandler Fired when a menu item is clicked.
MenuItemEventHandler Fired when a menu item is removed from the MenuItemCollection.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the base functionality for all menus.
String: Returns or sets the description that will be reported to accessibility client applications. It is assigned to the "alt" attribute of the browser element. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the control for use by accessibility client applications. It is assigned to the "name" attribute of the browser element. (Default: null
AccessibleRole: Returns or sets the accessible role of the menu item that will be reported to accessibility client applications. It is assigned to the "role" attribute of the browser element. (Default: Default
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether this menu contains any menu items. This property is read-only.
Int32: Returns the number of child menu items without forcing the creation of the collection.
MenuItem: Returns the child menu item that is used to display a list of multiple document interface (MDI) child forms.
MenuItemCollection: Returns the collection of MenuItem objects associated with the menu.
String: Returns or sets the name of the Menu.
Object: Returns or sets user-defined data associated with the control. (Default: null
Returns the ContextMenu that contains this menu.
Returns: ContextMenu. The ContextMenu that contains this menu. The default is null.
Returns the MainMenu that contains this menu.
Returns: MainMenu. The MainMenu that contains this menu.
Returns the MenuBar that contains this menu.
Returns: MenuBar. The MenuBar that contains this menu.
Merges the MenuItem objects of one menu with the current menu.
ArgumentException It was attempted to merge the menu with itself.
MenuItemEventHandler Fired when a new menu item is added to the MenuItemCollection.
MenuItemEventHandler Fired when a menu item is clicked.
MenuItemEventHandler Fired when a menu item is removed from the MenuItemCollection.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a context menu associated to a Control.
Initializes a new instance of the ContextMenu class with no menu items specified.
Initializes a new instance of the ContextMenu class with a specified set of MenuItem objects.
Name | Type | Description |
Initializes a new instance of the ToolTip class with a specified container.
RightToLeft: Returns or sets whether the text displayed by the control is displayed from right to left.
IWisejComponent: Returns the component that is displaying the shortcut menu.
Control: Returns the control that is displaying the shortcut menu.
Displays the context menu at the specified position in relation to the specified component.
Displays the context menu at the specified position.
Displays the context menu at the specified position in relation to the specified control.
ArgumentNullException The control parameter is null.
ArgumentException The control is not visible.
Displays the context menu at the specified position in relation to the specified control.
ArgumentNullException The control parameter is null.
ArgumentException The handle of the control does not exist or the control is not visible.
Displays the context menu at the specified position and with the specified alignment in relation to the specified control.
ArgumentNullException The control parameter is null.
ArgumentException The control is not visible.
Asynchronously displays the context menu at the specified position in relation to the specified component.
Returns: Task.
Asynchronously displays the context menu at the specified position.
Returns: Task.
Asynchronously displays the context menu at the specified position in relation to the specified control.
Returns: Task.
ArgumentNullException The control parameter is null.
ArgumentException The control is not visible.
Asynchronously displays the context menu at the specified position in relation to the specified control.
Returns: Task.
ArgumentNullException The control parameter is null.
ArgumentException The handle of the control does not exist or the control is not visible.
Asynchronously displays the context menu at the specified position and with the specified alignment in relation to the specified control.
Returns: Task.
ArgumentNullException The control parameter is null.
ArgumentException The control is not visible.
Updates the component on the client. Overridden to update the owner control.
EventHandler Fired when the context menu collapses.
EventHandler Occurs before the context menu is displayed on the client.
EventHandler Occurs after the context menu is displayed on the client.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the MenuItemAdded and MenuItemRemoved events of the Menu class.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Specifies the behavior of a MenuItem when it is merged with items in another menu.
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the ControlAdded and ControlRemoved events.
Initializes a new instance of the MenuItemEventArgs class for the specified control.
Name | Type | Description |
MenuItem: Returns the menu item object used by this event.
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Bindable components implement this interface.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The width of the MenuItem is determined by its contents.
The Menu whose menu items are merged with the menu items of the current menu.
Represents an individual menu item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu and always shows a checkbox next to the label.
Represents a context menu associated to a Control.
Represents an individual menu item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu rendered using the <a> link element to let the browser process the specified HRef URL.
Represents the main menu in a Form.
Represents an individual item that is displayed within a MainMenu or ContextMenu.
Bindable components implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
An IContainer that represents the container of the ToolTip extender.
Can be any Wisej visual component: i.e. tool button, column header, etc.
A Placement that specifies position of the menu in relation to the component parameter.
A Point that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu.
A Control that specifies the control with which this shortcut menu is associated.
A Placement that specifies position of the menu in relation to the control parameter.
A Control that specifies the control with which this shortcut menu is associated.
A Point that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu. These coordinates are specified relative to the client coordinates of the control specified in the control parameter.
A Control that specifies the control with which this shortcut menu is associated.
A Point that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu. These coordinates are specified relative to the client coordinates of the control specified in the control parameter.
A LeftRightAlignment that specifies the alignment of the control relative to the pos parameter.
Bindable components implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The source of the event.
A MenuItemEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a menu item is clicked.
Fired when a new menu item is added to the MenuItemCollection.
Fired when a menu item is removed from the MenuItemCollection.
Fired when a menu item is clicked.
Fired when a new menu item is added to the MenuItemCollection.
Fired when a menu item is removed from the MenuItemCollection.
The MenuItem is not included in a merged menu.
Returns or sets a value indicating the behavior of this menu item when its menu is merged with another.
Can be any Wisej visual component: i.e. tool button, column header, etc.
A Placement that specifies position of the menu in relation to the component parameter.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the context menu has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the event.
A Point that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the context menu has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the event.
A Control that specifies the control with which this shortcut menu is associated.
A Placement that specifies position of the menu in relation to the control parameter.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the context menu has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the event.
A Control that specifies the control with which this shortcut menu is associated.
A Point that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu. These coordinates are specified relative to the client coordinates of the control specified in the control parameter.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the context menu has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the event.
A Control that specifies the control with which this shortcut menu is associated.
A Point that specifies the coordinates at which to display the menu. These coordinates are specified relative to the client coordinates of the control specified in the control parameter.
A LeftRightAlignment that specifies the alignment of the control relative to the pos parameter.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the context menu has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the event.
An array of MenuItem objects that represent the menu items to add to the shortcut menu.
The MenuItem to store in this event.
Represents the method that will handle the MenuItemAdded and MenuItemRemoved events of the Menu class.