Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a component in the Desktop control's taskbar.
Initializes a new instance of the DesktopTaskBarItem class.
Initializes a new instance of the DesktopTaskBarItem class and displays the specified text on the item.
Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the control can display html in the Text property. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the button is enabled. (Default: True
Image: Returns or sets the image that is displayed in a DesktopTaskBarItem. (Default: null
ImagePosition: Returns or sets the position of the Image within this taskbar item. (Default: Left
ImagePropertySettings: Creates the property manager for the Image properties on first use.
String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the image to display in the DesktopTaskBarItem. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the DesktopTaskBarItem. (Default: ""
Desktop: Returns the Desktop control that the taskbar item button is assigned to. (Default: null
LeftRightAlignment: Returns or sets the position of this DesktopTaskBarItem within the taskbar in the parent Desktop. (Default: Left
Object: Returns or sets the object that contains user data. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the text displayed on the taskbar item. (Default: ""
When AllowHtml is set to true, the text can contain HTML content. If the text contains new lines (CRLF) but doesn't contain HTML elements (at least one "<") all CRLF are automatically substituted with "<br/>".
String: Returns or sets the text that appears as a ToolTip for the taskbar item. (Default: ""
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the taskbar item is visible or hidden. (Default: True
Releases the resources used by the DesktopTaskBarItem.
true when this method is called by the application rather than a finalizer.
Returns a collection of referenced components or collection of components.
Renders the client component.
Dynamic configuration object.
Updates the component on the client. Overridden to repaint the taskbar in design mode.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The text to display on the new .
Represents a component in the control's taskbar that can host any .
Represents a DateTime component in the control's taskbar.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the ItemClick event of a Desktop.
The source of the event.
A that contains the event data.
Fired when a on the is clicked.
Fired when a on the is double clicked.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the ItemClick event.
Initializes a new instance of the DesktopTaskBarItemClickEventArgs class.
The number of times a mouse button was pressed.
DesktopTaskBarItem: Returns or sets the DesktopTaskBarItem that was clicked.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a component in the Desktop control's taskbar that can host any Control.
Initializes a new instance of DesktopTaskBarItemControl.
Control: Returns or sets the Control to be hosted. (Default: null
Desktop: Returns the Desktop control that the taskbar item button is assigned to. (Default: null
Disposes the page and related resources.
true when this method is called by the application rather than a finalizer.
Adds references components to the list. Referenced components can be added individually or as a reference to a collection.
Container for the referenced components or collections.
Processes the event from the client.
Event arguments.
Renders the client component.
Dynamic configuration object.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the collection of DesktopTaskBarItem controls in a Desktop control.
Initializes a new instance of the DesktopTaskBarItemCollection class.
Boolean: Returns or sets the dirty state for the list. When true, the list of items must be sent back to the client.
Boolean: Returns or sets the new state for the list. When true, the entire list is cleared and reloaded on the client.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether this collection is read-only.
DesktopTaskBarItem: Returns or sets the DesktopTaskBarItem at the specified index.
DesktopTaskBarItem: Returns the DesktopTaskBarItem identified by the name.
Adds a DesktopTaskBarItem with the specified text to the collection.
Returns: DesktopTaskBarItem. A DesktopTaskBarItem that represents the item that was added to the collection.
Adds a DesktopTaskBarItem to the collection.
Returns: Int32. The zero-based index of the item in the collection.
ArgumentNullException The DesktopTaskBarItem being added to the collection is null.
ArgumentException The parent of the DesktopTaskBarItem specified in the item parameter is not null.
Adds an array of DesktopTaskBarItem to the collection.
Removes all DesktopTaskBarItem objects from the collection.
Removes and optionally disposes all DesktopTaskBarItem objects from the collection.
Indicates whether the removed items should be disposed.
Determines whether the specified DesktopTaskBarItem is located within the collection.
Returns: Boolean. true if the DesktopTaskBarItem is located within the collection; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the collection contains a DesktopTaskBarItem with the specified key.
The name of the item to find in the collection.
Returns: Boolean. true to indicate the collection contains a DesktopTaskBarItem with the specified key; otherwise, false.
Returns an enumerator to use to iterate through the DesktopTaskBarItem objects in the collection.
Returns: IEnumerator. An IEnumerator that represents the item collection.
Returns the index within the collection of the specified DesktopTaskBarItem.
Returns: Int32. The zero-based index where the DesktopTaskBarItem is located within the collection; otherwise, negative one (-1).
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a DesktopTaskBarItem with the specified key.
Returns: Int32. The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the DesktopTaskBarItem with the specified key, if found; otherwise, -1.
Inserts the specified DesktopTaskBarItem into the collection at the specified index.
The zero-based index location where the panel is inserted.
ArgumentNullException The button parameter is null.
ArgumentException The button parameter's parent is not null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index parameter is less than zero or greater than the value of the Count property of the DesktopTaskBarItemCollection.
Removes the specified DesktopTaskBarItem from the collection.
ArgumentNullException The DesktopTaskBarItem assigned to the item parameter is null.
Removes the DesktopTaskBarItem located at the specified index within the collection.
The zero-based index of the item to remove.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The index parameter is less than zero or greater than or equal to the value of the Count property of the DesktopTaskBarItemCollection.
Removes the DesktopTaskBarItem with the specified key from the collection.
Renders the list to the json definition for the client.
Returns: Object.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a DateTime component in the control's taskbar.
Initializes a new instance of setting the initial value to .
: Returns or sets the position of this within the taskbar in the parent . (Default: Right
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a desktop container that can host floating windows.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
: Returns true if this desktop instance is the currently active desktop. It is the same as comparing the instance with . (Default: False
Default value is {X=0,Y=0,Width=200,Height=52} (System.Drawing.Rectangle)
The default value is a new DesktopTaskBarItemCollection
Disposes the page and related resources.
Returns a collection of referenced components or collection of components.
Creates the page.
Processes the event from the client.
Renders the client component.
The that was clicked.
One of the values that indicate which mouse button was pressed.
Represents the method that will handle the event of a .
The control that owns this collection.
The text for the that is being added.
A that represents the panel to add to the collection.
Array of objects to add to the collection.
The to locate in the collection.
The to locate in the collection.
The name of the to find in the collection.
A representing the panel to insert.
The representing the panel to remove from the collection.
The name of the to remove from the collection.
: Returns or sets whether the taskbar is hidden automatically when there are no opened windows or no windows with the property ShowInTaskbar set to true. (Default: False
: Returns a rectangle that represents the inner dimensions of the control.
: Returns or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Default: None
: Returns or sets the height of the page.
: Returns whether the taskbar is currently visible. (Default: True
: Returns the collection of controls displayed in the taskbar of the desktop control.
: Returns or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container.
: Returns the height and width of the page.
: Return or sets the alignment of the in the taskbar. (Default: Left
: Return or sets the position of the taskbar to one of the four sides indicated by the values. (Default: Bottom
: Returns the height or width of the taskbar in the current theme, depending on the value of .
: Returns or sets the title of the . If the desktop is the main desktop, setting the text also changes the title in the browser. (Default: ""
: Returns or sets the wallpaper image. (Default: ""
: Returns or sets the width of the page.
Fires the event.
Fires the event.
Fires the event.
Fires the event.
Fires the event.
Raises the event.
Fires the event when the property value of the control's container changes.
Fires the event.
Fires the event.
Fires the event.
Fired when the desktop becomes active, and it's the new .
Fired when the desktop is deactivated and it's no longer the .
Fired when a on the is clicked.
Fired when a on the is double clicked.
Fired before the desktop becomes visible for the first time.
Occurs when the property changes value.
Occurs when the property changes value.
Occurs when the property AutoHideTaskbar is set to true and the TaskBar is either hidden or shown.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
true when this method is called by the application rather than a finalizer.
A EventArgs that contains the event data.
The EventArgs that contains the event data.
A DesktopTaskBarItemClickEventArgs that contains the event data.
A DesktopTaskBarItemClickEventArgs that contains the event data.
A EventArgs that contains the event data.
A System.EventArgs that contains the event data.
An EventArgs that contains the event data.
A EventArgs that contains the event data.
A EventArgs that contains the event data.
A EventArgs that contains the event data.
Event arguments.
Dynamic configuration object.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Provides the functionality for a control to act as a parent for other controls.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.
All wisej top-level windows implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.