Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the UserDeletingItems event.
Initializes a new instance of the DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsCancelEventArgs class.
The number of items being deleted.
Int32: Gets the number of items being deleted.
Int32: Returns the index of the item that is being deleted.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the ItemsAdded, ItemsRemoved, UserAddedItems, and UserDeletedItems events.
The source of the event.
An object that contains the event data.
Fired when a new is added to the control.
Fired when a is deleted from the control.
Fired when the user adds a new .
Fired after the user deletes a .
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Displays data in a customizable list format.
Initializes a new instance of the DataRepeater class.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether users can add a new row to the DataRepeater at run time. (Default: True
Boolean: Returns or sets whether users can delete a row from the DataRepeater at run time. (Default: True
BorderStyle: Returns or sets the border style for the DataRepeater control. (Default: Solid
Rectangle: Returns the client rectangle to use in the designer.
DataRepeaterItem: Returns the current DataRepeaterItem in the DataRepeater control. (Default: null
Int32: Returns or sets the index of the current DataRepeaterItem in a DataRepeater control. (Default: -1
IDataManager: Returns the current IDataManager object that manages the data binding DataRepeater and the DataSource;
String: Return or sets the name of the list or table in the data source for which the DataRepeater is displaying data. (Default: ""
Object: Returns or sets the data source for which the DataRepeater is displaying data. (Default: null
DataRepeaterItem[]: Returns the list of DataRepeaterItem items currently displayed on the client.
Boolean: Indicates whether the DataRepeater is reading the bound values in the current DataRepeaterItem.
Int32: Return the index of the first currently displayed DataRepeaterItem in a DataRepeater control. (Default: 0
Boolean: Returns if the repeater is being initialized.
Boolean: Return whether the data for a DataRepeaterItem in the DataRepeater control has been changed by a user. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns whether the layout of the child items is horizontal.
BorderStyle: Returns or sets the border style for the items in a DataRepeater control.
Default value is BorderStyle.Solid
Int32: Returns or sets the number of DataRepeaterItem items that are in the DataRepeater control. (Default: 0
Size: Returns the size if the item depending on the orientation.
Int32: Return sets the size of the item header in a DataRepeater control.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether item headers are displayed in a DataRepeater control.
The default value is true.
Color: Returns or sets the background color for the DataRepeaterItem panel when it's the CurrentItem.
Size: Returns or sets the size of the DataRepeaterItem child panels.
DataRepeaterItem: Returns the template that represents the DataRepeaterItem for the DataRepeater control.
The default value is a Wisej.Web.DataRepeaterItem with BorderStyle: None
DataRepeaterLayoutStyles: Return or sets whether the DataRepeater control will be displayed with a vertical or horizontal orientation. (Default: Vertical
Int32: Returns or sets the number of items to prefetch outside of the visible area. The default is 0 (disabled). (Default: 0
Boolean: Enables or disables right-to-left layout when the value of RightToLeft is Yes (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the scrollbar is visible. When the scrollbar is hidden, the user can still scroll using touch events, the keyboard, or the wheel. (Default: True
Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether you have provided your own data-management operations for the DataRepeater control. (Default: False
Adds a new DataRepeaterItem to the DataRepeater control.
Allows users to cancel an edit to the current child control in the current DataRepeaterItem.
Selects the active control. If the active control is not focusable, it selects the next focusable control.
Fires the AllowUserToAddItemsChanged event.
Fires the AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged event.
Fires the BindingContextChanged event.
Fires the CurrentItemIndexChanged event.
Fires the DataError event.
Fires the DataMemberChanged event.
Fires the DataSourceChanged event.
Fires the ItemCloned event.
Fires the ItemCloning event.
Fires the ItemsAdded event.
Fires the ItemSelected event.
Fires the ItemsRemoved event.
Fires the ItemUpdate event.
Fires the ItemValueNeeded event.
Fires the ItemValueNeeded event.
Fires the LayoutStyleChanged event.
Fires the NewItemNeeded event.
Fires the UserAddedItems event.
Fires the UserDeletedItems event.
Fires the UserDeletingItems event.
Fires the Validating event.
Fires the VirtualModeChanged event.
Processes the event from the client.
Event arguments.
Renders the client component.
Dynamic configuration object.
Updates the client component using the state information.
Dynamic state object.
Forces a full reload of the data displayed by this DataRepeater.
Forces a full reload of the data displayed by this DataRepeater.
True to also refresh all the children of this control.
Removes a DataRepeaterItem at the specified position from a DataRepeater control.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value specified for index is less than 0 or greater than ItemCount - 1.
Resets the value of ItemBorderStyle to the original value.
Resets the value of ItemHeaderSize to the original value.
Resets the value of ItemHeaderVisible to the original value.
Scrolls the specified DataRepeaterItem into view.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value specified for index is less than 0 or greater than ItemCount - 1.
Scrolls a specified DataRepeaterItem into view, optionally aligning it with the top of the control.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value specified for index is less than 0 or greater than ItemCount - 1.
EventHandler Fired when the AllowUserToAddItems property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the AllowUserToDeleteItems property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the property CurrentItemIndex changes.
DataRepeaterDataErrorEventHandler Fired when an external data-parsing or validation operation throws an exception, or when an attempt to commit data to a data source fails.
EventHandler Fired when the DataMember property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the DataSource property changes.
DataRepeaterItemEventHandler Fired after the DataRepeaterItem and its controls are cloned from the ItemTemplate.
DataRepeaterItemCloneEventHandler Fired before the DataRepeaterItem and its controls are cloned from the ItemTemplate.
DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsEventHandler Fired when a new DataRepeaterItem is added to the DataRepeater control.
DataRepeaterItemEventHandler Fired after the DataRepeaterItem becomes the current item.
DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsEventHandler Fired when a DataRepeaterItem is deleted from the DataRepeater control.
DataRepeaterItemEventHandler Fired when an instance of DataRepeaterItem is updated.
DataRepeaterItemValueEventHandler Fired when the VirtualMode property is set to true and a new value for a child control of a DataRepeaterItem is needed.
DataRepeaterItemValueEventHandler Fired when the VirtualMode property is set to true and the value of a child control in the DataRepeaterItem changes.
EventHandler Fired when the LayoutStyle property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the VirtualMode property is set to true and the user creates a new DataRepeaterItem.
DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsEventHandler Fired when the user adds a new DataRepeaterItem.
DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsEventHandler Fired after the user deletes a DataRepeaterItem.
DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsCancelEventHandler Fired when the user deletes a DataRepeaterItem.
EventHandler Fired when the VirtualMode property changes.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Provides the functionality for a control to act as a parent for other controls.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the DataError event.
The source of the event.
A object that contains the event data.
Fired when an external data-parsing or validation operation throws an exception, or when an attempt to commit data to a data source fails.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
: Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the cloning is handled by the developer.
: Gets the from which the new will be cloned.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Used by the control to display data at run time.
Initializes a new instance of the object.
: Returns the client rectangle to use in the designer.
Renders the client component.
This method is called in PerformContainerValidation to check if this control supports containerValidation.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the and events.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
: Gets the child control of a that is raising the or event.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the , , , and events.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
: Return the number of items being added to or deleted from a control.
: Returns the index of the item being added or deleted.
The index of the that is being deleted.
Represents the method that handles the event.
A that contains the event data.
A that contains the event data.
A that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An instance of that contains the event data.
A that contains the event data.
A that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
A that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
An object that contains the event data.
A that contains the event data.
A that contains the event data.
The index of the .
The index of the .
The index of the .
true to align the top of the with the top of the control; otherwise, false.
All wisej controls derived from the class must implement this interface.
: Gets or sets the new that is the result of the cloning operation.
: Gets the that raised the data error.
: Gets the that raised the data error.
: Gets the that represents the error.
: Gets the name of the property of the control that raised the error.
: Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to throw an exception after code execution exits the event handler.
: Returns a collection of property bindings.
: Return a value that determines whether a is the currently selected item in a control.
: Returns the index of a in a control.
: Returns value that determines whether the data for a in a control has been changed by the user.
Returns: .
Returns: .
: Gets the index of the that contains the control that is raising the or event.
: Gets the name of the data-bound property of the control that is raising a or event.
: Gets the property value that has changed to raise a or event.
Represents the method that will handle the ItemCloning event.
Represents the method that will handle the DataError event.
Dynamic configuration object.
Provides access to the UserData
and Tag
properties associated to the component implementing this interface.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
Provides access to common image properties across the controls that implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
Represents the method that will handle the ItemValueNeeded and ItemValuePushed events.
Represents the method that will handle the ItemsAdded, ItemsRemoved, UserAddedItems, and UserDeletedItems events.
The source of the event.
A DataRepeaterItemCloneEventArgs object that contains the event data.
Fired before the DataRepeaterItem and its controls are cloned from the ItemTemplate.
The source of the event.
An object that contains the event data.
Fired when the user deletes a DataRepeaterItem.
The source of the event.
A DataRepeaterItemValueEventArgs object that contains the event data.
Fired when the VirtualMode property is set to true and a new value for a child control of a DataRepeaterItem is needed.
Fired when the VirtualMode property is set to true and the value of a child control in the DataRepeaterItem changes.
Items are displayed in a horizontal format. A horizontal scroll bar will be displayed as necessary.
Items are displayed in a vertical format. A vertical scroll bar will be displayed as necessary.
Return or sets whether the DataRepeater control will be displayed with a vertical or horizontal orientation.
The source of the event.
A DataRepeaterItemEventArgs object that contains the event data.
Fired after the DataRepeaterItem and its controls are cloned from the ItemTemplate.
Fired after the DataRepeaterItem becomes the current item.
Fired when an instance of DataRepeaterItem is updated.
The ItemTemplate cloned from the ItemTemplate object.
Represents the method that will handle the ItemCloned event.
The ItemTemplate from which the new item will be cloned.
The DataRepeaterItem on which the error occurred.
The Control on the DataRepeaterItem on which the error occurred.
The property on which the error occurred. For most controls, this will be the Text property.
The exception object.
The index of the DataRepeaterItem that contains the control that is raising the event.
The child control that is raising the event.
The property of the control that has changed or that needs data.
The property value that has changed.
The index of the DataRepeaterItem that is being added or deleted.
The number of items being added or deleted.