Namespace: Wisej.Core
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Determine if a cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.
Indicates the client should send the cookie with "same-site" requests, and with "cross-site" top-level navigations.
Indicates the client should disable same-site restrictions. When using this value, the cookie must also have the property set to true.
Indicates the client should only send the cookie with "same-site" requests.
Returns or sets the for the cookie.
Namespace: Wisej.Core
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a cookie value in the client browser.
Creates and names a new HttpCookie.
Name of the cookie.
Creates, names, and assigned a new value to a new HttpCookie.
Name of the cookie.
Value to assign to the cookie.
String: Restricts domain cookie is to be used with.
DateTime: Expiration time for the cookie (in minutes).
Boolean: Return whether the cookie has sub-keys.
Boolean: Indicates whether the cookie should have HttpOnly attribute
String: Returns or sets a value in a cookie with multple values.
String: Returns or sets the name of the cookie.
String: Returns or sets the URL prefix to transmit with the cookie.
SameSiteMode: Returns or sets the SameSiteMode for the cookie.
Boolean: Indicates whether the cookie should be transmitted only over HTTPS.
String: Returns or sets the cookie value.
NameValueCollection: Returns an individual key:value pairs within a single cookie object with multple values.