Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Validates the control using a custom Regex expression.
Initializes a new instance of RegexValidationRule.
String: Returns or sets the filter property (i.e. Filter) property on editable controls that support filtering of the keys as they are typed. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Regex"
String: Returns or sets the Regex used to validate the control. (Default: null
Invoked when the control associated with the validation rule is created and ready to be rendered on the client.
Control being created.
Validates the control using the validation rule.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Validates decimal values.
Initializes a new instance of the DecimalValidationRule class.
Nullable<Int32>: Returns or sets the required number of decimal digits; or null to allow any number of decimals. (Default: null
Boolean: Returns or sets whether to format the value of the control after validation. (Default: False
Nullable<Decimal>: Returns or sets the maximum value; or null for no maximum. (Default: null
Nullable<Decimal>: Returns or sets the minimum value; or null for no minimum. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Decimal"
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be empty or its required to have a value. (Default: False
Invoked after the control has been successfully validated.
Validates the control using the validation rule.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Validates currency values.
Initializes a new instance of the CurrencyValidationRule class.
String: Returns or sets the currency symbol to validate. The default is null to use the current CurrencySymbol. (Default: null
Nullable<Int32>: Returns or sets the required number of decimal digits; or null to use the current CurrencyDecimalDigits. (Default: null
Boolean: Returns or sets whether to format the value of the control after validation. (Default: False
Nullable<Decimal>: Returns or sets the maximum value; or null for no maximum. (Default: null
Nullable<Decimal>: Returns or sets the minimum value; or null for no minimum. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Currency"
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be empty or its required to have a value. (Default: False
Invoked after the control has been successfully validated.
Validates the control using the validation rule.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Validates long integer values.
Initializes a new instance of the IntegerValidationRule class.
Nullable<Int64>: Returns or sets the maximum value; or null for no maximum. (Default: null
Nullable<Int64>: Returns or sets the minimum value; or null for no minimum. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Integer"
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be empty or its required to have a value. (Default: False
Validates the control using the validation rule.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Validates controls that cannot be left empty.
Initializes a new instance of the RequiredValidationRule class.
Nullable<Int32>: Returns or sets the required minimum number of characters. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Required"
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be empty or its required to have a value. (Default: True
Boolean: Returns or sets whether empty controls with spaces are considered empty and fail validation. (Default: True
Validates the control using the validation rule.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Validates email addresses.
Initializes a new instance of EmailValidationRule.
String[]: Returns or sets a list of invalid domains: i.e. "dropmail.com", "protonmail.com". (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Email"
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be empty or its required to have a value. (Default: False
String[]: Returns or sets a list of valid domains: i.e. "mycompany.com", "gmail.com", "hotmail.com". (Default: null
Validates the control using the validation rule.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the Validating event handlers.
Control: Control being validated.
String: Message to return when validation fails.
ValidationRule[]: Rules associated to the Control being validated.
Represents the method that will handle the event.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the Validating event.
The source of the event.
A that contains the event data.
Fired when the any control associated to the extender is being validated.
Fired after any control associated to the extender has been successfully validated.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Validates telephone numbers.
Initializes a new instance of the TelephoneValidationRule class.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether to format the value of the control after validation. (Default: False
String: Returns or sets the character mask used to validate the telephone number. It is based on the MaskedTextProvider implementation. (Default: ""
MaskedTextProvider: Returns the MaskedTextProvider used to validate the control's text.
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: "Telephone"
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be empty or its required to have a value. (Default: False
Invoked after the control has been successfully validated.
Validates the control using the validation rule.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a validation rule within an instance of the Validation extender.
Initializes a new instance of a ValidationRule implementation.
Initializes a new instance of a ValidationRule implementation using the specified name and optional invalidMessage .
Name of the validation rule.
Error message related to the validation rule.
Boolean: Enables or disables the validation rule. Since 3.2.7 (Default: True
IErrorProvider: Returns or sets the control that displays the InvalidMessage string. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the error message for the validation rule. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the validation rule. (Default: null
Invoked when the control associated with the validation rule is created and ready to be rendered on the client.
Control being created.
The ControlCreated event is fired when the control is made visible the first time and it's ready to be displayed on the client browser; it's not fire when the control is constructed. Use this overload if your custom ValidationRule needs to read or set properties on the control itself. i.e. set the Filter, or format strings.
Invoke after the control has been validated successfully.
Control that validated successfully.
Invoked when the control is being validated.
Control being validated.
Returns: Boolean. true if the validation is successful; otherwise false.
Validates controls that cannot be left empty.
Validates telephone numbers.
Validates decimal values.
Validates currency values.
Validates long integer values.
Validates email addresses.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Adds a common validation system to any Control.
You can drop this extender on any design surface to add validation rules to any control at design time using the added ValidationRules property. You can also use this component at runtime and invoke the SetValidationRules method directly. Validation rules are executed in the order they are added to the array. When a validation rule fails validation, the next rules are NOT executed and the Cancel property of the control's Validating event is set to true.
Initializes a new instance of the Validation class.
Initializes a new instance of the Validation class attached to a ContainerControl.
Initializes a new instance of the Validation class attached to a IContainer implementation.
ContainerControl: Returns or sets the container ContainerControlthat provides the BindingContext for binding to the IDataErrorInfo interface implemented by a DataSource. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the list within a data source to monitor for errors. (Default: ""
Object: Returns or sets the data source that the Validation extender monitors for errors. (Default: null
IErrorProvider: Associates an IErrorProvider to the Validation extender."/> (Default: null
When this property is null (default), the validation extender sets the InvalidMessage property of the control being validated to the corresponding InvalidMessage when a validation rule fails. Otherwise it invokes the SetError method passing the control that failed validation and the corresponding InvalidMessage string. You may use an instance of ErrorProvider to display error icons and messages. But you can also implement the IErrorProvider interface in a custom class and manage errors however required by the application. A third option is to assign a Label (or any Control that implements IErrorProvider) to the ErrorProvider property to let the validation extender set the text property to the corresponding InvalidMessage string.
The Label (or any Control that implements IErrorProvider) is automatically hidden (Visible is set to false) when there is no error message to display.
Object: Returns or sets the object that contains programmer-supplied data associated with the Validation extender. (Default: null
Sets the DataSource and DataMember properties.
A collection within the dataSource to monitor for errors.
Returns a value indicating whether a control can be extended.
The control to be extended.
Returns: Boolean. true if the control can be extended; otherwise, false.
Removes all validation rules.
Returns the collection of ValidationRule associated with the specified control .
Control associated with the validation rules to retrieve.
Returns: ValidationRule[]. Array of the validation rules associated to the control .
Fires the Validated event.
Fires the Validating event.
Removes all the validation rules from the control .
Sets the list of validation rules associated with the specified control .
Control associated with the validation rules.
List of validation rules to enforce on the specified control .
Updated the bindings.
ValidationEventHandler Fired after any control associated to the Validation extender has been successfully validated.
You can add an handler to this event and handle the successful validation of all the controls that have a set of validation rules in one place.
ValidationEventHandler Fired when the any control associated to the Validation extender is being validated.
You can add an handler to this event and handle the validation of all the controls that have a set of validation rules in one place.
Validates the control using a custom expression.
The to monitor for errors.
An that represents the container of the extender.
A data set based on the interface to be monitored for errors.
Control to remove from the extender.