Wisej.Web.Control ControlCollection
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a collection of Control objects.
Initializes a new instance of the ControlCollection class.
Name | Type | Description |
Boolean: Returns whether the owner control has already been disposed.
Control: Returns the Control at the specified indexed location.
Control: Returns the Control with the specified key in the collection.
Control: Returns the control that owns this ControlCollection.
Adds the specified control to the control collection.
Adds an array of control objects to the collection.
Removes all controls from the collection.
Removes and disposes all controls from the collection.
Determines whether the specified control is a member of the collection.
Returns: Boolean. true if the Control is a member of the collection; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the ControlCollection contains an item with the specified key.
Returns: Boolean. true if the ControlCollection contains an item with the specified key; otherwise, false.
Searches for controls by their type and builds an array of all the controls that match.
Returns: Control[]. Array of controls that are derived from the specified type .
ArgumentNullException type is null.
Searches for controls by their name and builds an array of all the controls that match.
Returns: Control[]. Array of controls with the specified name.
ArgumentNullException The key parameter is null or an empty string ("").
Retrieves the index of the specified child control within the control collection, and optionally raises an exception if the specified control is not within the control collection.
Returns: Int32. A zero-based index value that represents the location of the specified child control within the control collection; otherwise -1 if the specified Control is not found in the ControlCollection.
ArgumentException The child Control is not in the ControlCollection, and the throwException parameter value is true.
Retrieves a reference to an enumerator object that is used to iterate over a ControlCollection.
Returns: IEnumerator. An IEnumerator.
Retrieves the index of the specified control in the control collection.
Returns: Int32. A zero-based index value that represents the position of the specified Control in the ControlCollection.
Retrieves the index of the first occurrence of the specified item within the collection.
Returns: Int32. The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the control with the specified name in the collection.
Removes the specified control from the control collection.
Removes the child control with the specified key.
Sets the index of the specified child control in the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
The Control to add.
An array of Control objects to add to the collection.
Indicates whether the controls removed from the collection should be disposed.
The Control to locate in the collection.
The key to locate in the ControlCollection.
The type of the controls to locate in the ControlCollection.
true to search all child controls; otherwise, false.
The key to located in the ControlCollection.
true to search all child controls; otherwise, false.
The Control to search for in the control collection.
true to throw an exception if the Control specified in the child parameter is not a control in the ControlCollection; otherwise, false.
The Control to locate in the collection.
The name of the control to search for.
The Control to remove.
The name of the child control to remove.
The child control to search for.
The new index value of the control.
Represents a collection of child controls in a table layout container.
The Control that owns this collection.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the ControlAdded and ControlRemoved events of the Control class.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the DragDrop, DragEnter, or DragOver event.
Initializes a new instance of the DragEventArgs class.
Name | Type | Description |
DragDropEffects: Returns which drag-and-drop operations are allowed by the originator (or source) of the drag event.
String: Specify the types of files that the server accepts (that can be submitted through a file upload).
The allowed files string follows the HTML 4.01 and HTML5 specifications. You can configure only one entry in the browser's file dialog. The syntax is "file_extension|audio/|video/|image/*|media_type". Look at IANA Media Types for a complete list of standard media types.
IDataObject: Returns the IDataObject that contains the data associated with this event.
Control: Returns the component that started the drag operation by calling DoDragDrop. Since 2.5.32
Object: Returns the original target of the drag operation.
DragDropEffects: Returns or sets the target drop effect in a drag-and-drop operation.
HttpFileCollection: Returns the HttpFileCollection containing the files that have been dropped on the target, or null.
Image: Returns or sets the custom image displayed on the client to represent the drag action.
Size: Returns or sets the size in pixels of the custom image displayed on the client to represent the drag action.
String: Returns or sets the custom image source displayed on the client to represent the drag action.
Int32: Returns the current state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, as well as the state of the mouse buttons.
Point: Returns the location of the mouse or pointer event, in screen coordinates.
Keys: Returns a value indicating which of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) is in a pressed state.
Int32: Returns the x-coordinate of the mouse or pointer, in screen coordinates.
Int32: Returns the y-coordinate of the mouse or pointer, in screen coordinates.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the HelpRequested event of a Control.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the HelpRequested event.
Initializes a new instance of the HelpEventArgs class.
Name | Type | Description |
Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating whether the help event was handled.
Control: Returns the Control that had the focus when the user pressed F1.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Base class for all Wisej controls.
Initializes a new instance of the Control class.
String: Returns or sets the description that will be reported to accessibility client applications. It is assigned to the "alt" attribute of the browser element. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the name of the control for use by accessibility client applications. It is assigned to the "name" attribute of the browser element. (Default: null
AccessibleRole: Returns or sets the accessible role of the control that will be reported to accessibility client applications. It is assigned to the "role" attribute of the browser element. (Default: Default
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can initiate a drag-drop operation. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it. (Default: False
AnchorStyles: Returns or sets the edges of the container to which a control is bound and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Default: Top, Left
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control receives pointer events. Anonymous controls let pointer events bubble to their parents. (Default: False
String: Sets the appearance key for the theme engine. (Default: null
Color: Returns or sets the background color for the control.
Image: Returns or sets the background image displayed in the control. (Default: null
ImageLayout: Returns or sets the background image layout as defined in the ImageLayout enumeration. (Default: None
String: Returns or sets the background image displayed in the control. (Default: null
Boolean: Returns a flag indicating that the control is becoming the active control.
BindingContext: Returns or sets the BindingContext for the control.
Int32: Returns the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area.
Rectangle: Returns or sets the size and location of the control including its non-client area, in pixels and relative to the parent control.
Boolean: Determines whether the control can execute a command.
Boolean: Returns whether the control can receive focus.
Boolean: Returns whether the control can be selected.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control has captured the mouse.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control causes validation to be performed on controls that require to be validated when this control receives focus. (Default: True
ClientEventCollection: Returns a collection of client events and JavaScript listeners. You may attach multiple listeners to same event.
You can use this collection at design time or in code or through the listener methods:
Rectangle: Returns the client rectangle of the control.
Size: Returns or sets the height and width of the client area.
Boolean: Indicates whether the control, or one of its child controls, has the input focus.
ContextMenu: Returns or sets the shortcut menu associated with the control. (Default: null
ControlCollection: Returns the collection of controls contained within the control.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the control has been created.
String: Returns or sets additional CSS class names to add to the widget.
Use this property to add or remove custom CSS classes that you may add to your application as standard css files or through the StyleSheet extender. You can assign multiple class names separated by a space and you can manage this property using the related methods:
String: Returns or sets the custom CSS styles to add to the widget.
You can use any CSS style string.
Cursor: Returns or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control. (Default: null
ControlBindingsCollection: Returns the data bindings for the control.
Color: Returns the default background color of the control.
Font: Returns the default font of the control.
Color: Returns the default background color of the control.
Rectangle: Returns the rectangle that represents the virtual display area of the control.
Boolean: Returns whether the control is in the process of disposing itself and child controls.
DockStyle: Returns or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Default: None
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can respond to user interaction.
Boolean: Enables or disables the browser's context menu.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can gain the focus. (Default: True
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the control has input focus.
Font: Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control.
Color: Returns or sets the text color of the control.
IntPtr: Returns the unique server-side id (handle) for this component.
Boolean: Returns whether the control contains any child control.
Boolean: Returns whether the control specifies data bindings.
Boolean: Check if the control defines any responsive profile without forcing the creation of the collection.
Boolean: Checks if the UserData dynamic object was created and has any value.
Int32: Returns or sets the height of the control.
String: Returns or sets an initialization script to execute when the widget is created (or reloaded) in the browser.
Use this property to add custom initialization JavaScript that is always executed when the client widget is created. The context (this) of the script is the instance of the widget. You can use the entire qooxdoo and wisej.js api. See #qx and wisej-js.
You may also use the init script to attach events to the widget or to its internal children. Event handlers can also be attached using the ClientEvents collection and the client events methods:
Boolean: Returns true when this control belogs to a session different than the currently executing thread.
Boolean: Returns whether the control has been disposed.
Boolean: Returns if the control has a server-side component id (handle) associated with it.
Boolean: Returns whether the control is mirrored.
LayoutEngine: Returns the control's layout engine.
Int32: Returns or sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.
Point: Returns or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container.
Padding: Returns or sets the space between controls.
Size: Returns or sets the maximum size for the control.
Size: Returns or sets the minimum size for the control.
Keys: Returns a value indicating which of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) is in a pressed state.
MouseButtons: Returns a value indicating which of the mouse buttons is in a pressed state.
Point: Returns the position of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can be moved by dragging.
String: Gets or sets the name of the control.
Padding: Returns or sets padding within the control.
Control: Returns or sets the parent container of the control.
Size: Returns the preferred size in which the control can fit.
AnchorStyles: Returns or sets the edges of the control that can be dragged to resize the control.
ResponsiveProfileCollection: Returns the collection of responsive properties that have been set for this control.
Int32: Return the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.
RightToLeft: Returns or sets whether the control's elements are aligned right-to-left to support RTL languages.
When set to Inherit, the control inherits the value of this property from its parent. However, when the control is a top-level control (i.e. Window, Page, Desktop), and the value is set to Inherit, the right-to-left mode is automatically retrieved from the current language.
The behavior of this property is configurable in Default.json setting the "rightToLeft" property to "true", "false", or "auto". The default is "auto", causing the value to be retrieved from the current language.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the text in the control can be selected in the browser by the user by dragging the pointer. Since 2.5.22 (Default: False
Not to be confused with Selectable, which corresponds to the Focusable property. When Selectable is set to true, the text of the control (i.e. a label or a button) can be highlighted in the browser and copied to the clipboard. It will also make the widget "focusable" but only in the browser.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control is blocked by the ajax loader. (Default: False
Size: Returns or sets the height and width of the control.
String[]: Returns or sets additional theme states to the client widget.
Use this property to manage additional custom states that you may want to add to a widget. The state will update the visualization of the widget using the styles and properties set in the current theme and loaded theme mixins. You can also force the usage of built-in states. However, this property will not return the current states of the widget as updated by the client browser. It only returns the states set by the application.
In addition to setting this property directly, you can also manage it using the related methods:
Since 3.5.5 Add a + after the name of the state to propagate the state to the child controls of the widget. See also AddState.
Int32: Returns or sets the tab order of the control within its container.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key and the Focusable property is set to true. (Default: True
Object: Returns or sets the object that contains data about the control. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the text associated with this control. (Default: ""
When AllowHtml is set to true, the text can contain HTML content. If the text contains new lines (CRLF) but doesn't contain HTML elements (at least one "<") all CRLF are automatically substituted with "<BR/>".
String: Returns or sets the tooltip text to show for this control. (Default: ""
When using ToolTipText property you can only set the ToolTip text and cannot change the default ToolTip icon set in the theme. To change the ToolTip icon you can either create a custom theme, or a theme mixin, or use the ToolTip extender and the ToolTipText property added by the extender. You can change the default ForeColor, AutomaticDelay, InitialDelay, AutoPopDelay, or enable HTML in ToolTipText by using a ToolTip extender also without setting the ToolTipText property added by the extender.
Int32: Returns or sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area.
Control: Returns the parent control that is not parented by another Form. Typically, this is the outermost Form that the control is contained in.
Object: Returns a dynamic object that can be used to store custom data in relation to this control.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether to use the wait cursor for the current control and all child controls. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns a flag indicating that the validation has been canceled.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control and all its child controls are displayed.
Int32: Returns a value indicating the wheel delta from the last wheel event.
Int32: Returns or sets the width of the control.
Adds a new listener script to the event name to the client widget.
Returns: Int32. An integer id that you can use to remove the listener from the event using RemoveClientEventListener or to retrieve the listener script code using GetClientEventListener.
The script will execute in the browser when the event name occurs. You can attach multiple listeners to the same event.
Adds the CSS class name to the widget element. If the class already exists in the CssClass it's not added.
Returns: String. The new value of the CssClass property.
Adds the specified theme state to the widget.
Returns: String[]. The new list of states stored in the States property.
You can also assign a new array of states to the States property.
Adds the specified theme state to the widget and optionally propagates it to the child components when forward is true. Since 3.5.5
Returns: String[]. The new list of states stored in the States property.
You can also assign a new array of states to the States property.
Executes the specified delegate asynchronously, in the context of the session that owns the control.
Returns: IAsyncResult. An IAsyncResult that represents the result of the BeginInvoke operation.
Executes the specified delegate asynchronously, in the context of the session that owns the control, with the specified list of arguments.
Returns: IAsyncResult. An IAsyncResult that represents the result of the asynchronous call.
Brings the control to the front of the z-order.
Returns: Control.
Runs the JavaScript function within the component's context in the browser.
Returns: Control. this control
Runs the JavaScript function within the component's context in the browser and returns the value to the callback method.
Returns: Control. this control
Asynchronously runs the JavaScript function within the component's context in the browser and returns an awaitable Task containing the value returned by the remote call.
Returns: Task<Object>. An awaitable Task that represents the asynchronous operation.
Centers the position of the control within the bounds of the parent.
Returns: Control. this control
Centers the position of the control within the bounds of the parent either horizontally, vertically or both.
Returns: Control. this control
Indicates whether the specified control is a child of this control.
Returns: Boolean. true if the specified control is a child of the control; otherwise, false.
Creates and register this control and all its children.
Returns: Control.
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
Returns: DragDropEffects. A value from the DragDropEffects enumeration that represents the final effect that was performed during the drag-and-drop operation.
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
Returns: DragDropEffects. A value from the DragDropEffects enumeration that represents the final effect that was performed during the drag-and-drop operation.
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
Returns: DragDropEffects. A value from the DragDropEffects enumeration that represents the final effect that was performed during the drag-and-drop operation.
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
Returns: DragDropEffects. A value from the DragDropEffects enumeration that represents the final effect that was performed during the drag-and-drop operation.
Begins a drag-and-drop operation.
Returns: DragDropEffects. A value from the DragDropEffects enumeration that represents the final effect that was performed during the drag-and-drop operation.
Retrieves the return value from the asynchronous operation represented by asyncResult .
Returns: Object. The return value from the asynchronous operation.
Runs the javaScript code within the component's context in the browser.
Returns: Control. this control
Runs the javaScript code within the component's context in the browser and returns the value to the callback method.
Returns: Control. this control
Asynchronously runs the javaScript code within the component's context in the browser and returns an awaitable Task that contains the value returned by the remote call.
Returns: Task<Object>. An awaitable Task that represents the asynchronous operation.
Retrieves the Form that contains the control.
Returns: Form.
Retrieves the Page that contains the control.
Returns: Page.
Sets input focus to the control.
Returns: Boolean. true if the input focus request was successful; otherwise, false.
Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates, specifying whether to ignore child controls of a certain type.
Returns: Control. The child Control at the specified coordinates.this control
Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates.
Returns: Control. A Control that represents the control that is located at the specified point.
Returns the script associated to the listener identified by id .
Returns: String. JavaScript associated with the listener.
Returns the scripts for all the listeners attached to the event name .
Returns: String[]. String array containing the scripts for the listeners attached to the event.
Returns the next IContainerControl up the control's chain of parents.
Returns: IContainerControl. The parent IContainerControl.
Retrieves the next control forward or back in the tab order of child controls.
Returns: Control. The next Control in the tab order.
Retrieves the value of the specified control style bit for the control.
Returns: Boolean. true if the specified control style bit is set to true; otherwise, false.
Checks whether the specified event name has any listener attached.
Returns: Boolean. True if the event name has any listener attached.
Returns true if the property CssClass contains the specified class name .
Returns: Boolean. True of the css class name is already included in CssClass.
Checks whether the specified theme state is present in the States property.
Returns: Boolean. True if the widget already has the state .
To check only if a propagated state is present, use HasState("state+");
Conceals the control from the user.
Returns: Control.
Causes the control to update the client side widget. When in design mode, causes the rendered control to update its entire surface in the designer.
Causes the control to update the client side widget. When in design mode, causes the rendered control to update its entire surface in the designer.
Executes the specified delegate, in the context of the session that owns the control.
Returns: Object. The return value from the delegate being invoked, or null if the delegate has no return value.
Executes the specified delegate, in the context of the session that owns the control, with the specified list of arguments.
Returns: Object. An Object that contains the return value from the delegate being invoked, or null if the delegate has no return value.
Determines whether the specified character is the mnemonic character.
Returns: Boolean. true if the charCode character is the mnemonic character; otherwise, false.
Arranges all the child Control using the specified dock style, spaced by spacing pixels.
Arranges all the child Control using the specified dock style, spaced by spacing pixels.
Arranges all the child Control using the specified dock style, spaced by spacing pixels.
Arranges all the child Control using the specified dock style, spaced by spacing pixels.
Arranges all the child Control in the specified direction , spaced by spacing pixels.
Arranges all the child Control in the specified direction , spaced by spacing pixels, and constrained within the specified viewArea .
Arranges the specified child controls in the specified direction , spaced by spacing pixels.
ArgumentException One of the controls is not a child of this control.
Arranges the specified child controls in the specified direction , spaced by spacing pixels, and constrained within the specified viewArea .
ArgumentException One of the controls is not a child of this control.
Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls.
Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls.
Computes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates.
Returns: Point. A Point that represents the converted Point, point , in client coordinates.
Computes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates.
Returns: Point. A Point that represents the converted Point, point , in screen coordinates.
Computes the size and location of the specified screen rectangle in client coordinates.
Returns: Rectangle. A Rectangle that represents the converted Rectangle, rect , in client coordinates.
Computes the size and location of the specified client rectangle in screen coordinates.
Returns: Rectangle. A Rectangle that represents the converted Rectangle, rect , in screen coordinates.
Forces the control to update corresponding client widget. When in DesignMode it forces a full redraw of the designer surface for this control, including the non-client areas such as the caption of forms or panels.
Forces the control to update the corresponding client widget. When in DesignMode it forces a full redraw of the designer surface for this control and optionally of its children, including the non-client areas such as the caption of forms or panels.
Detaches and removes the listener identified by id .
Returns: Boolean. True if the id specified a valid lister and it was removed; otherwise false if id is invalid.
Removes all the listeners attached to the event name .
Returns: Boolean. True if the event name has any listener that was removed.
Removes the specified css class name from the control's CssClass property.
Returns: String. The new value of the CssClass property.
Removes the specified theme state from the widget.
Returns: String[]. The new list of states stored in the States property.
You can also assign a new array of states to the States property.
Removes the specified theme state from the widget. Since 3.5.5
Returns: String[]. The new list of states stored in the States property.
You can also assign a new array of states to the States property.
Removes all the data bindings from the control.
Returns: Control.
Resumes layout logic.
Resumes layout logic, optionally forcing an immediate layout of all pending layout requests.
Scrolls the control into view in the container using the specified alignX and alignY preferences.
Returns: Control. this control
Scrolls the child control into view.
Returns: Control. this control
Activates, including setting the focus, a control.
Returns: Control.
Activates the next control in the list according to the specified selection rules.
Returns: Boolean. true if a control was activated; otherwise, false.
Sends the control to the back of the z-order.
Returns: Control.
Sets the bounds of the control to the specified location and size.
Returns: Control.
Sets the specified bounds of the control to the specified location and size.
Returns: Control. this control
Displays the control to the user.
Returns: Control.
Suspends the layout logic for the control.
Causes the control to update the corresponding client side widget. When in design mode, causes the rendered control to update its entire surface in the designer.
Validates all selectable child controls in the container, including descendants. This is equivalent to calling ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Selectable). See Selectable for details of exactly which child controls will be validated.
Returns: Boolean. true if all of the children validated successfully; otherwise, false. If called from the Validating or Validated event handlers, this method will always return false.
Validates all the child controls in the container. Exactly which controls are validated and which controls are skipped is determined by flags .
Returns: Boolean. true if all of the children validated successfully; otherwise, false. If called from the Validating or Validated event handlers, this method will always return false.
EventHandler Fired after the control has been fully rendered on the client.
This is a "lazy" event. It fires only when there is an handler attached to it, otherwise the companion On{Name} protected method is not invoked. It's enough to attach to either one of Appear or Disappear to enable both events.
EventHandler Fired when the AutoSize property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the BackColor property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the BackgroundImage property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the BackgroundImageLayout property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the BecomingActiveControl property changes.
EventHandler Occurs when the value of the BindingContext property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the CausesValidation property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the control is clicked.
EventHandler Fired when the ClientSize property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the ContextMenu property changes.
ControlEventHandler Fired when a new control is added to the ControlCollection.
EventHandler Fired when a control is made visible the first time, fully created and sent to the client.
ControlEventHandler Fired when a control is removed from the ControlCollection.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the Cursor property changes.
EventHandler Fired after the control is no longer visible on the client.
This is a "lazy" event. It fires only when there is an handler attached to it, otherwise the companion On{Name} protected method is not invoked. It's enough to attach to either one of Appear or Disappear to enable both events.
EventHandler Fired when the component is disposed.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the Dock property changes.
EventHandler Fired when the control is double-clicked.
DragEventHandler Fired when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when a drag-drop operation is terminated either by a drop or canceled.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
DragEventHandler Fired when an object is dragged into the control's bounds.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when an object is dragged out of the control's bounds.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
DragEventHandler Fired when an object is dragged over the control's bounds.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when a drag-drop operation is started by the user.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the Enabled property value has changed.
EventHandler Fired when a control is Movable and the user ends the move operation.
This event fires only when Movable is true and the user moves the widget on the client. It doesn't fire when the Location property changes.
EventHandler Fired when a control has ResizableEdges and the user ends the resize operation.
This event fires only when the ResizableEdges has a value different than None and the user resizes the widget on the client. It doesn't fire when the Size of the control changes.
EventHandler Fired when the control gains the input focus.
EventHandler Fired when the Font property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the ForeColor property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the control gains the focus.
HelpEventHandler Fired when the user requests help for a control by pressing F1.
EventHandler Fired when the ImeMode property has changed.
KeyEventHandler Fired when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
KeyPressEventHandler Fired when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
KeyEventHandler Fired when a key is released while the control has focus.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
LayoutEventHandler Fired when a control should reposition its child controls.
EventHandler Fired when the control loses the input focus.
EventHandler Fired when the Location property value has changed.
EventHandler Fired when a pointer holds on the screen.
EventHandler Fired when the control loses focus.
EventHandler Fired when the control's margin changes.
EventHandler Fired when the control loses mouse capture.
MouseEventHandler Fired when the control is clicked by the mouse.
MouseEventHandler Fired when the control is double clicked by the mouse.
MouseEventHandler Fired when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed.
EventHandler Fired when the mouse pointer enters the control.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the mouse pointer rests on the control.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the mouse pointer leaves the control.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
MouseEventHandler Fired when the mouse pointer is moved over the control.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
MouseEventHandler Fired when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released.
MouseEventHandler Fired when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the control's padding changes.
PaintEventHandler Fired when a UserPaint control needs to redraw itself.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the Parent property value changes.
PinchEventHandler Fired when two finger moved towards or away from each other. It contains the scaling factor of the pinch.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
PreviewKeyDownEventHandler Fired before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control.
QueryContinueDragEventHandler Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the control is resized.
ResponsiveProfileChangedEventHandler Fired when the active responsive profile is changed.
EventHandler Fired when the RightToLeft property value changes.
RotateEventHandler Fired when two finger moved around a single point. It contains the angle of the rotation.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the Size property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when a control is Movable and the user begins the move operation.
This event fires only when Movable is true and the user begins moving the widget on the client.
EventHandler Fired when a control has ResizableEdges and the user begins the resize operation.
This event fires only when the ResizableEdges has a value different than None and the user begins resizing the widget on the client.
EventHandler Fired when the control style changed.
SwipeEventHandler Fired when a pointer swipes over the screen.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the TabIndex property value has changed.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the TabStop property changes.
EventHandler Fired when a pointer taps on the screen.
EventHandler Fired when the Text property value changes.
TouchEventHandler Fired when a touch point has been disrupted in an implementation-specific manner (for example, too many touch points are created).
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
TouchEventHandler Fired when a touch point is removed from the touch surface.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
TouchEventHandler Fired when a touch point is moved along the touch surface.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
TouchEventHandler Fired when a touch point is placed on the touch surface.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
TrackEventHandler Fired when a pointer grabs an item and moves the pointer on it.
This event fires only if there is an handler attached to it. A simple overload of the On[Event] method in a derived class will not be invoked unless there is at least one handler attached to the event.
EventHandler Fired when the control is finished validating.
CancelEventHandler Fired when the control is validating.
EventHandler Fired when the Visible property value changes.
WidgetEventHandler Fired when the control receives a custom event from the client.
JavaScript code can fire any event back to a control, including custom data, using:
On the server side, the event name and event data are available in the WidgetEvent handler:
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the ControlAdded and ControlRemoved events.
Initializes a new instance of the ControlEventArgs class for the specified control.
Name | Type | Description |
Control: Returns the control object used by this event.
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the KeyDown or KeyUp event.
Initializes a new instance of the KeyEventArgs class.
Name | Type | Description |
Boolean: Returns whether the ALT key was pressed.
Boolean: Returns whether the CTRL key was pressed.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the event was handled.
Keys: Returns the keyboard code..
Keys: Returns the key data.
Int32: Returns the keyboard value.
Keys: Returns the modifier flags indicating which combination of CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT keys was pressed.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the SHIFT key was pressed.
Returns whether the Alt key is pressed.
Returns: Boolean.
Returns whether the Control key is pressed.
Returns: Boolean.
Returns whether the Shift key is pressed.
Returns: Boolean.
Wisej.Web.JavaScript ClientEventCollection
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a collection of JavaScript events and their corresponding handler code.
Initializes a new instance of ClientEventCollection.
Int32: Returns the number of items in the collection.
ClientEvent: Returns the ClientEvent element at the specified index .
Adds the ClientEvent instance to the collection.
Removes all the ClientEvent items from the collection.
Checks whether the specified item exists in the collection.
Returns: Boolean. True of the collection contains the specified item .
Returns the position of the specified item in the collection.
Returns: Int32. The index of the specified item or -1 if not found.
Inserts the item into the collection at the specified index .
Removes the item from the collection.
Returns: Boolean. True of the specified item was found and removed from the collection.
Removes the ClientEvent item at the location index .
CollectionChangeEventHandler Fired when the collection has changed.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified component and property affected.
Name | Type | Description |
Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified control and property affected.
Name | Type | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
: Returns or sets whether the event was handled.
: Returns or sets the character corresponding to the key pressed.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified graphics and clipping rectangle.
Name | Type | Description |
: Returns the rectangle in which to paint.
: Returns the graphics used to paint.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the , , and events.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
The value in the Role property is taken from the "role" attribute of the clicked element inside the widget. You can detect clicks on custom HTML content by adding the role attribute to the custom element.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the event.
Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key.
Name | Type | Description |
: Returns whether the ALT key was pressed.
: Returns whether the CTRL key was pressed.
Wisej.Web.JavaScript ClientEvent
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represent a JavaScript event and the corresponding code to execute on the client when the event is fired.
Initializes a new instance of .
: Returns or sets the name of the event. Not all events are available to all controls, which events are fired depends on the widget that corresponds to the control. (Default: null
: Returns or sets the JavaScript handler for the event. (Default: ""
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
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Name | Description |
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: Returns the affected by the layout change.
: Returns the child control affected by the change.
: Returns the property affected by the change.
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
: Returns which mouse button was pressed.
: Returns the number of clicks or taps.
: Returns the number of times the mouse wheel has rotated.
: Returns the location of the mouse or pointer event.
: Returns the original target when the pointer event has bubbled up because the original target was either not or .
: Returns the internal role assigned to the element that generated the pointer event: checkbox, button, ...
: Returns the x-coordinate of the mouse or touch event.
: Returns the y-coordinate of the mouse or touch event.
Name | Description |
: Returns whether a key is a regular input key.
: Returns the keyboard code.
: Returns the key data.
: Returns the keyboard value.
: Returns the modifier flags indicating which combination of CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT keys was pressed.
: Returns whether the SHIFT key was pressed.
Name | Description |
The source of the event.
A ControlEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a new control is added to the ControlCollection.
Fired when a control is removed from the ControlCollection.
Fired when a multiple-document interface (MDI) child form is added to the mdi parent.
Fired when a multiple-document interface (MDI) child form is removed from the mdi parent.
The source of the event.
A DragEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
Fired when an object is dragged into the control's bounds.
Fired when an object is dragged over the control's bounds.
Fired when an object is dragged into the control's bounds.
Fired when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
Fired when an object is dragged over the control's bounds.
The source of the event.
A HelpEventArgs object that contains the event data.
Fired when the user requests help for a control by pressing F1.
Represents the method that will handle the HelpRequested event of a Control.
Name of the client event to attach the listener to.
JavaScript code to execute when the event occurs.
Name of the css class to add.
Name of the custom state to add to the widget.
Name of the custom state to add to the widget.
true to propagate the state to the widget's child components.
A delegate to a method that takes no parameters.
A delegate to a method that takes no parameters.
An optional array of objects to pass as arguments to the specified method.
The name of the JavaScript function to execute.
The arguments to pass to the function.
The name of the JavaScript function to execute.
Asynchronous callback method that receives the return value.
The arguments to pass to the function.
The name of the JavaScript function to execute.
The arguments to pass to the function.
Center horizontally.
Center vertically.
The child Control to find.
The data to drag.
One of the DragDropEffects values.
The data to drag.
One of the DragDropEffects values.
The name or URL for an image to use as the drag cursor.
The data to drag.
One of the DragDropEffects values.
The name or URL for an image to use as the drag cursor.
The size of the drag image specified in imageSource.
The data to drag.
One of the DragDropEffects values.
An Image to use as the drag cursor.
The data to drag.
One of the DragDropEffects values.
An Image to use as the drag cursor.
The size of the drag image specified in image.
An IAsyncResult that represents a BeginInvoke operation started on a control.
The JavaScript code to run on the client.
The JavaScript code to evaluate on the client.
Asynchronous callback method that receives the return value.
The JavaScript code to evaluate on the client.
A Point that contains the coordinates where you want to look for a control. Coordinates are expressed relative to the upper-left corner of the control's client area.
One of the values of GetChildAtPointSkip, determining whether to ignore child controls of a certain type.
A Point that contains the coordinates where you want to look for a control. Coordinates are expressed relative to the upper-left corner of the control's client area.
Id of the listener to retrieve the script for.
Name of the event.
The Control to start the search with.
true to search forward in the tab order; false to search backward.
The ControlStyles bit to return the value from.
Name of the client event to verify.
Css class name to verify.
Name of the state to check.
When true, invalidates all the children of the control.
A delegate that contains a method to be called in the control's session context.
A delegate to a method that takes parameters of the same number and type that are contained in the args parameter.
An array of objects to pass as arguments to the specified method. This parameter can be null if the method takes no arguments.
The character to test.
The string to search.
A Control that represents the recently changed control.
The name of the recently changed property on the control that caused the layout to change.
The screen coordinate Point to convert.
The client coordinate Point to convert.
The screen coordinate Rectangle to convert.
The client coordinate Rectangle to convert.
True to also refresh all the children of this control.
Id of the listener to remove.
Name of the event.
The css class name to remove.
Name of the state to remove.
Name of the state to remove.
true to remove the state to the widget's child components.
true to apply all pending layout requests; otherwise, false.
Indicates the HorizontalAlignment preference. The final location of the control depends on the scrollable range and the available space. Note that Center will not scroll the control to the center, but will instead scroll it into the closest visible location with the minimum movement.
Indicates the VerticalAlignment preference. The final location of the control depends on the scrollable range and the available space. Note that Middle will not scroll the control to the middle, but will instead scroll it into the closest visible location with the minimum movement.
The Control at which to start the search.
true to move forward in the tab order; false to move backward in the tab order.
true to ignore the controls with the TabStop property set to false; otherwise, false.
true to include nested (children of child controls) child controls; otherwise, false.
true to continue searching from the first control in the tab order after the last control has been reached; otherwise, false.
The new Left property value of the control.
The new Top property value of the control.
The new Width property value of the control.
The new Height property value of the control.
The new Left property value of the control.
The new Top property value of the control.
The new Width property value of the control.
The new Height property value of the control.
A bitwise combination of the BoundsSpecified values. For any parameter not specified, the current value will be used.
Represents a panel that dynamically lays out its contents in a grid composed of rows and columns.
UI implementation for the FileDialog class.
UI implementation for the FolderDialog class.
Represents the navigation and manipulation user interface (UI) for controls that are bound to a data source.
Represents a button control.
Implements the basic functionality common to button controls.
Represents a check box control.
Displays a ListBox in which a check box is displayed to the left of each item.
Represents a combo box control.
Provides focus-management functionality for controls that can function as a container for other controls.
Represents a control that allows the user to select or type a date and a time.
Represents a spinner control that displays string values.
Represents a panel that dynamically arranges its controls horizontally or vertically in automatic rows or columns.
Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface.
Represents a Wisej control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption.
Represents a label control.
Represents an hyper-link control.
Represents a control to display a list of items.
Uses a mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input.
Represents the container for multiple-document interface (MDI) child forms.
Represents a control that enables the user to select a date using a visual monthly calendar display.
Represents a spinner control that displays numeric values.
Represents a web page that fills the browser and acts as the main container for the application. An application can have only one active main page at any given time.
Represents a collapsible panel with an optional header that contains a group of controls.
Represents an image control.
Represents a progress control that displays a value visually as a filled bar.
Enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other RadioButton controls.
Defines a base class for controls that support auto-scrolling behavior.
Represents an horizontal scroll bar.
Represents a vertical scroll bar.
Implements the basic functionality of a scroll bar control.
Represents a control consisting of a movable bar that divides a container's display area into two resizable panels.
Creates a panel that is associated with a SplitContainer.
Manages a related set of TabPage pages.
Represents a single tab page in a TabControl.
Represents a text box control that allows the user to enter any value.
Implements the basic functionality required by text controls.
Enables the user to choose between a range of values by sliding a small bar along another bar.
Implements the basic functionality required by a spin box (also known as an up-down control).
Provides an empty control that can be used to create other controls.
Represents a web browser control that enables the user to navigate web pages inside a form or a page.
Represents a ComboBox control that can be hosted in a DataGridViewComboBoxCell.
Represents a DateTimePicker control that can be hosted in a DataGridViewDateTimePickerCell.
Represents a MaskedTextBox control that can be hosted in a DataGridViewMaskedTextBoxCell cell.
Represents a NumericUpDown control that can be hosted in a DataGridViewNumericUpDownCell.
Represents a TextBox control that can be hosted in a DataGridViewTextBoxCell cell when the cell's WrapMode is set to False.
Represents a data grid control.
Displays data in a customizable list format.
Used by the DataRepeater control to display data at run time.
Represents a desktop container that can host floating windows.
Displays collapsible set of AccordionPanel panels for presenting information in a limited amount of space.
Represents a panel in a Accordion control.
Represents a control that can host ASP.NET or MVC pages within a Wisej application.
Represents the HTML5 canvas element.
Represents a FlashPlayer control that can display flash applications.
Represents a panel that dynamically arranges its child controls.
Represents a control that displays any HTML file and a corresponding CSS style sheet as embedded HTML.
Represents a control that displays any HTML file in an IFrame element.
Represents a line control.
The TreeViewComboBox control represents a UserComboBox control with a ListView as the drop down panel.
Base implementation for media controls.
Represents a Video control that displays a video file.
Represents a Audio control that plays an audio file.
Represents a PdfViewer control that can display a pdf document in the browser either using the native pdf viewer, the pdf.js viewer, Google docs, or a custom viewer.
Represents a shape control. Displays an element a border in any of the four sides.
Displays child controls vertically or horizontally in a scrollable container.
Represents a spacer control. It can be used to add a space between controls in a layout panel. It is not rendered on the client.
Represents a split button control.
Represents a data field that displays a list of selectable and removable tags. The control recognizes tags as the user types and adds in front of the editable field.
Represents a spinner control that displays TimeSpan values.
The TreeViewComboBox control represents a UserComboBox control with a TreeView as the drop down panel.
Represents a text box control that allows the user to enter a typed value.
Represent an upload widget. Allows users to selected one or more files and upload them to the server.
The UserComboBox control represents a ComboBox control with a custom panel that drops down when the user clicks the down arrow.
Provides an popup container that can be attached to other controls.
Provides a generic widget that can use most third party javascript widgets.
Represents a list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of four different views.
Represents a menu bar component.
Provides a user interface for browsing the properties of an object.
Displays information to the user in a about the object being viewed, the object's components, or the object's operation.
Represents a toolbar component.
Displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items, each represented by a TreeNode.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The source of the event.
A KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a key is pressed while the control has focus.
Fired when a key is released while the control has focus.
ClientEvent item to add to the collection.
ClientEvent items to find in the collection.
ClientEvent item to locate in the collection.
Position where to insert the item .
ClientEvent item to insert into the collection.
ClientEvent instance to remove from the collection.
Position of the item to remove from the collection.
Indicates whether to arrange the Controls horizontally or vertically.
Spacing between the Controls.
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
Indicates whether to arrange the Controls horizontally or vertically.
Rectangle limiting the area to arrange the Controls in. If empty, it will use DisplayRectangle.
Spacing between the Controls.
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
List of child controls to arrange. If null, all the children will be arranged.
Indicates whether to arrange the Controls horizontally or vertically.
Spacing between the Controls.
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
List of child controls to arrange. If null, all the children will be arranged.
Indicates whether to arrange the Controls horizontally or vertically.
Rectangle limiting the area to arrange the Controls in. If empty, it will use DisplayRectangle.
Spacing between the Controls.
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
Indicates whether to arrange the Controls horizontally or vertically.
Spacing between the Controls.
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
Horizontal alignment when using direction = Vertical.
Vertical alignment when using direction = Horizontal.
Indicates whether to arrange the Controls horizontally or vertically.
Rectangle limiting the area to arrange the Controls in. If empty, it will use DisplayRectangle.
Spacing between the Controls.
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
Horizontal alignment when using direction = Vertical.
Vertical alignment when using direction = Horizontal.
List of child controls to arrange. If null, all the children will be arranged.
Indicates whether to arrange the controls horizontally or vertically.
Spacing between the controls .
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
Horizontal alignment when using direction = Vertical.
Vertical alignment when using direction = Horizontal.
List of child controls to arrange. If null, all the children will be arranged.
Indicates whether to arrange the controls horizontally or vertically.
Rectangle limiting the area to arrange the controls in. If empty, it will use DisplayRectangle.
Spacing between the controls .
When true (default), it will also use the Margin to arrange the controls.
Horizontal alignment when using direction = Vertical.
Vertical alignment when using direction = Horizontal.
Represents the method that will handle the MouseDown, MouseUp, or MouseMove event of a form, control, or other component. |
One of the DragDropEffects values.
One of the DragDropEffects values.
The data associated with this event.
The Point that indicates the location of the drag event.
The Control that had the focus when the user pressed F1.
The Control to store in this event.
Represents the method that will handle the ControlAdded and ControlRemoved events of the Control class.
sender | The source of the event. |
e | A that contains the event data. |
Fired when a key is pressed while the control has focus. |
affectedComponent |
affectedProperty | The property affected by the layout change. |
affectedControl |
affectedProperty | The property affected by the layout change. |
keyChar | The ASCII character corresponding to the key the user pressed. |
graphics |
clipRect |
sender | The source of the event. |
e | A that contains the event data. |
Fired when the user clicks the control with the mouse. |
Fired when the control is clicked by the mouse. |
Fired when the control is double clicked by the mouse. |
Fired when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. |
Fired when the mouse pointer is moved over the control. |
Fired when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released. |
Fired when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus. |
button |
clicks | The number of times a mouse button was pressed. |
x | The x-coordinate of a pointer click, in pixels. |
y | The y-coordinate of a pointer click, in pixels. |
delta | A signed count of the number of dents the wheel has rotated. |
button |
clicks | The number of times a mouse button was pressed. |
x | The x-coordinate of a pointer click, in pixels. |
y | The y-coordinate of a pointer click, in pixels. |
delta | A signed count of the number of dents the wheel has rotated. |
role | The internal role assigned to the element that generated the pointer event. |
keyData |
sender | The source of the event. |
e | A that contains the event data. |
Fired when a UserPaint control needs to redraw itself. |
sender | The source of the event. |
e | A that contains the event data. |
Fired before the event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control. |
sender | The source of the event. |
e | A that contains the event data. |
Fired when a control should reposition its child controls. |
Represents the method that will handle the event. |
sender | The source of the event. |
e | A that contains the event data. |
Fired when two finger moved towards or away from each other. It contains the scaling factor of the pinch. |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the ResponsiveProfileChanged event.
Initializes a new instance of the ResponsiveProfileChangedEventArgs class.
Name | Type | Description |
ClientProfile: The new active profile.
ClientProfile: The previously active profile.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the QueryContinueDrag event.
Initializes a new instance of the QueryContinueDragEventArgs class.
Name | Type | Description |
DragAction: Returns or sets the status of a drag-and-drop operation.
Boolean: Returns if the user pressed the ESC key.
Int32: Returns the current state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys.
Keys: Returns a value indicating which of the modifier keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT) is in a pressed state.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the QueryContinueDrag event of a Control.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the Rotate event.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for Swipe event.
Int64[]: Returns the unique identifiers for the touch items.
Boolean: Returns whether more than one touch is associated with the event target element.
Point[]: Returns the location of the touch items in screen coordinates.
Double: Returns the delta of the rotation since the start of the event, in degrees.
Double: Returns the distance between two fingers since the start of the event.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for Track event.
SwipeAxis: Returns the Axis of the track event.
Point: Returns the X, Y delta for the track event.
Int32: Returns the X delta of the track event.
Int32: Returns Y delta of the track event.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the Swipe event.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the Track event.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the TouchStart, TouchEnd, TouchMove, TouchCancel events.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the WidgetEvent event.
Initializes a new instance of the WidgetEventArgs class.
Name | Type | Description |
Object: Returns the data object that was sent by the widget with the event.
String: Returns the type (name) of the event fired by the widget.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for event.
: Returns whether the performed swipe was on the x or y axis.
: Returns the direction of the performed swipe in reference to the axis: X = Up / Down Y = Left / Right
: Returns the distance of the performed swipe.
: Returns the duration the performed swipe took.
Represents the method that will handle the event of a .
Represents the method that will handle the event of a .
Represents the method that will handle the event of a .
Represents the method that will handle the event.
The affected by the layout change.
The affected by the layout change.
The used to paint the item.
The that represents the rectangle in which to paint.
One of the values that indicate which mouse button was pressed.
One of the values that indicate which mouse button was pressed.
One of the values.
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
: Returns the start time of the performed swipe.
: Returns the velocity of the performed swipe.
Name | Description |
The source of the event.
A ResponsiveProfileChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when the active responsive profile is changed.
Fired when the active responsive profile is changed.
Represents the method that will handle the Application.ResponsiveProfileChanged event.
Direction down.
Direction left.
Direction right.
Direction up.
Returns the direction of the performed swipe in reference to the axis: X = Up / Down Y = Left / Right
Represents the method that will handle the QueryContinueDrag event of a Control.
Returns whether the performed swipe was on the x or y axis.
Returns the Axis of the track event.
The source of an event.
A QueryContinueDragEventArgs that contains the event data.
Occurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled.
The source of the event.
A RotateEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when two finger moved around a single point. It contains the angle of the rotation.
Represents the method that will handle the TouchStart, TouchEnd, TouchMove, TouchCancel events.
Represents the method that will handle the Track event.
The source of the event.
A SwipeEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a pointer swipes over the screen.
The source of the event.
A TrackEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a pointer grabs an item and moves the pointer on it.
The source of the event.
A TouchEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a touch point is placed on the touch surface.
Fired when a touch point is removed from the touch surface.
Fired when a touch point has been disrupted in an implementation-specific manner (for example, too many touch points are created).
Fired when a touch point is moved along the touch surface.
Represents the method that handles the WidgetEvent event.
Previous ClientProfile.
New active ClientProfile.
The arguments received from the client.
Represents the method that will handle the Rotate event.
The type (name) of event.
The data object received with the event.
sender | The source of the event. |
e | A that contains the event data. |
Fired when the control receives a custom event from the client. |
Represents the method that will handle the event.