Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a toolbar component.
Initializes a new instance of the ToolBar class.
Boolean: Enables the overflow handling which automatically removes items that don't fit in the ToolBar and adds them to a drop-down menu button. (Default: True
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the toolbar adjusts its size automatically, based on the size of the buttons and the dock style. (Default: True
BorderStyle: Returns or sets the border style of the toolbar control. (Default: None
Int32: Returns the number of child buttons without forcing the creation of the collection.
ToolBarButtonCollection: Returns the collection of ToolBarButton controls assigned to the toolbar control.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether clicking ToolBar buttons causes validation to be performed on the active control. (Default: False
DockStyle: (Default: Top
ImageList: Returns or sets the collection of images available to the toolbar button controls. (Default: null
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the toolbar displays a ToolTip for each button. (Default: True
ToolBarTextAlign: Returns or sets the alignment of text in relation to each image displayed on the toolbar button controls. (Default: Underneath
EventHandler Fired when the value of the AutoSize property has changed.
ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler Fired when a ToolBarButton on the ToolBar is clicked.
ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler Fired when a drop-down style ToolBarButton or its down arrow is clicked.
Name | Description |
Bindable components implement this interface.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
All wisej controls derived from the Control class must implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the ButtonClick event.
Initializes a new instance of the ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs class.
Name | Type | Description |
ToolBarButton: Returns or sets the ToolBarButton that was clicked.
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the method that will handle the ButtonClick event of a ToolBar.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Description |
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents an item in the ToolBar.
Change the type of item to display using the Style property.
Initializes a new instance of the ToolBarButton class.
Initializes a new instance of the ToolBarButton class and displays the assigned text on the button.
Name | Type | Description |
Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the control can display HTML in the Text property. (Default: False
String: Sets the appearance key for the theme engine. (Default: null
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the application blocks the browser with a modal mask when this button is clicked and until the server is done processing the execution request. (Default: False
AutoShowLoader blocks the entire browser as soon as the button is clicked since it's implemented on the client side, while ShowLoader blocks the specific widget when returning from the request.
ICommand: Returns or sets the ICommand implementation to invoke. (Default: null
ContextMenu: Returns or sets the menu to be displayed in the drop-down toolbar button. (Default: null
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the button is enabled. (Default: True
Color: Returns or sets the text color of the toolbar button.
Image: Returns or sets the image that is displayed in a ToolBarButton.
Int32: Returns or sets the index value of the image assigned to the ToolBarButton. (Default: -1
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The specified index is less than -1.
String: Returns or sets the name of the image assigned to the button. (Default: ""
String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the image to display in the ToolBarButton.
Padding: Returns or sets the space between toolbar buttons.
String: Returns or sets the name of the ToolBarButton.
Padding: Returns or sets padding within the toolbar button.
ToolBar: Returns the toolbar control that the toolbar button is assigned to.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether a toggle-style toolbar button is currently in the pushed state. (Default: False
ToolBarButtonSizeMode: Returns or sets how the toolbar button is resized. (Default: Auto
ToolBarButtonStyle: Returns or sets the style of the toolbar button. (Default: PushButton
Object: Returns or sets the object that contains data about the toolbar button. (Default: null
String: Returns or sets the text displayed on the toolbar button. (Default: ""
When AllowHtml is set to true, the text can contain HTML content. If the text contains new lines (CRLF) but doesn't contain HTML elements (at least one "<") all CRLF are automatically substituted with "<br/>".
String: Returns or sets the text that appears as a ToolTip for the button. (Default: ""
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the toolbar button is visible or hidden. (Default: True
Generates the Click and ButtonClick events.
Updates the component on the client. Overridden to repaint the toolbar in design mode.
EventHandler Fired when the control is clicked.
EventHandler Fired when the Command property value changes.
EventHandler Fired when the Pushed property value changes.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Specifies the alignment of text on the ToolBarButton control.
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
The source of the event.
A ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs that contains the event data.
Fired when a ToolBarButton on the ToolBar is clicked.
Fired when a drop-down style ToolBarButton or its down arrow is clicked.
Fired when a ToolBarButton on the ToolBar is clicked.
Fired when a drop-down style ToolBarButton or its down arrow is clicked.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Defines an object that can invoke a Command.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The text is aligned to the right of the ToolBarButton image.
The text is aligned underneath the ToolBarButton image.
Returns or sets the alignment of text in relation to each image displayed on the toolbar button controls.
The ToolBarButton that was clicked.
Represents the method that will handle the ButtonClick event of a ToolBar.
The text to display on the new ToolBarButton.
DropDownButton | A drop-down button that displays a menu when clicked. |
PushButton | A standard button. |
Separator | A line between buttons. |
ToggleButton | A toggle button. The property and state is toggle on each click. |
Returns or sets the style of the toolbar button. |
Wisej.Web.ToolBar ToolBarButtonCollection
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents the collection of controls in a control.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Type | Description |
: Returns a value indicating whether this collection is read-only.
: Returns or sets the at the specified index.
: Returns the identified by the name.
Adds a with the specified text to the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Returns: . A that represents the panel that was added to the collection.
Adds a to the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Returns: . The zero-based index of the item in the collection.
The being added to the collection is null.
The parent of the specified in the button parameter is not null.
Adds an array of to the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Removes all objects from the collection.
Removes and optionally disposes all objects from the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Determines whether the specified is located within the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Returns: . true if the is located within the collection; otherwise, false.
Determines whether the collection contains a with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Returns: . true to indicate the collection contains a with the specified key; otherwise, false.
Returns an enumerator to use to iterate through the objects in the collection.
Returns: . An that represents the item collection.
Returns the index within the collection of the specified .
Parameter | Type | Description |
Returns: . The zero-based index where the is located within the collection; otherwise, negative one (-1).
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Returns: . The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the with the specified key, if found; otherwise, -1.
Inserts the specified into the collection at the specified index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
The button parameter is null.
The button parameter's parent is not null.
The index parameter is less than zero or greater than the value of the property of the class.
Removes the specified from the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
The assigned to the button parameter is null.
Removes the located at the specified index within the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
The index parameter is less than zero or greater than or equal to the value of the property of the class.
Removes the with the specified key from the collection.
Parameter | Type | Description |
text |
button |
buttons |
dispose | Indicates whether the removed items should be disposed. |
button |
key | The name of the item to find in the collection. |
button |
key |
index | The zero-based index location where the panel is inserted. |
button |
button |
index | The zero-based index of the item to remove. |
key |
owner |
The text for the that is being added.
A that represents the panel to add to the collection.
Array of objects to add to the collection.
The to locate in the collection.
The to locate in the collection.
The name of the to find in the collection.
A representing the panel to insert.
The representing the panel to remove from the collection.
The name of the to remove from the collection.
The control that owns this collection.
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Specifies how a ToolBarButton in a ToolBar control behaves when the control resizes.
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
The width of the ToolBarButton is determined by its contents.
Returns or sets how the toolbar button is resized.