Displays an alert box that can contain an icon and text that inform and instruct the user. Alert boxes are not modal and can disappear automatically.
You cannot create a new instance of the AlertBox class. To display a message box, call the static
method AlertBox.Show. The title, message, and icons displayed in the alert box are determined by parameters that you pass to this method.
For a full list of properties, methods and events see the API documentation.
The AlertBox features several different alert styles.
None: No icon is shown in the message box.
Error: The message box contains an icon consisting of an X or an exclamation point typically on a red background to symbolize an error condition.
Stop: The message box contains an icon consisting of a stop sign.
Hand: The message box contains an icon consisting of a raised hand.
Question: The message box contains an icon consisting of a question mark in a circle.
Warning: The message box contains an icon consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle // to symbolize a warning sign.
Information: The message box contains an icon consisting of the letter i in a circle.
The AlertBox can show HTML in it's message by setting the allowHtml argument to true.
Class name
Theme appearance
Source code
"alertbox", see .
Displays a modal message box, also known as a dialog box, that can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.
You cannot create a new instance of the MessageBox class. To display a message box, call the static
method MessageBox.Show. The title, message, buttons, and icons displayed in the message box are determined by parameters that you pass to this method.
For a full list of properties, methods and events see the API documentation.
The MessageBox features several different alert styles.
None: No icon is shown in the message box.
Error: The message box contains an icon consisting of an X or an exclamation point typically on a red background to symbolize an error condition.
Stop: The message box contains an icon consisting of a stop sign.
Hand: The message box contains an icon consisting of a raised hand.
Question: The message box contains an icon consisting of a question mark in a circle.
Warning: The message box contains an icon consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle // to symbolize a warning sign.
Information: The message box contains an icon consisting of the letter i in a circle.
The MessageBox can show HTML in it's message by setting the allowHtml argument to true.
Class name
Theme appearance
Source code
Displays an informational popup on the screen.
Unlike the and , which are static classes, the Toast is a component that you create and can hold on to in your application. You can reuse it and you can update the content while the Toast is visible.
It can be located in any of the 9 standard locations. By default it appears at the TopCenter location. It contains an icon and a text that can display any HTML content (by setting the AllowHtml property to true).
Toasts auto close by default after 5 seconds but they do not auto dispose. To auto dispose a toast instance when it's closed, set the AutoDispose property to true. You can detect when the user clicks on a Toast by handling the Click event, and handle the Close event to run code when the Toast is closed.
For a full list of properties, methods and events see the
The AutoCloseDelay property can specify how long the toast is to be shown for.
The Toast control can show HTML in it's message by setting the AllowHtml property to true.
"messagebox", see .
Class name
Theme appearance
"toast", see Themes.
Source code