

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents a column in a DataGridView control.

public class DataGridViewColumn : DataGridViewBand, IWisejComponent, IWisejSerializable, IComponent, IHasResponsiveProfiles


Initializes a new instance of the DataGridViewColumn class to the default state.

Initializes a new instance of the DataGridViewColumn class using an existing DataGridViewCell as a template.


Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the column can display HTML text.

When AllowHtml is set to true, the text in the cell can contain HTML content. If the text contains new lines (CRLF) but doesn't contain HTML elements (at least one "<") all CRLF are automatically substituted with " ".

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the ellipsis character (...) appears at the right edge of the cell, denoting that the text extends beyond the size of the cell.

DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode: Gets or sets the mode by which the column automatically adjusts its width.


ContextMenu: Gets or sets the context menu for the column.

String: Returns or sets the name of the data source property or database column to which the DataGridViewColumn is bound.

DataGridViewCellStyle: Returns or sets the column's default cell style.

Int32: Returns or sets the display order of the column relative to the currently displayed columns.


  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException DataGridView is not null and the specified value when setting this property is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the control; or DataGridView is null and the specified value when setting this property is less than -1; or the specified value when setting this property is equal to MaxValue.

Control: Returns or sets the editor component used to edit cells in this column.

Single: Returns or sets a value that represents the width of the column when it is in fill mode relative to the widths of other fill-mode columns in the control.


Boolean: Returns or sets whether a column will move when a user scrolls the DataGridView control horizontally.

Boolean: Check if the component defines any responsive profile without forcing the creation of the collection.

DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell: Returns or sets the DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell that represents the column header.

Image: Returns or sets the image that is displayed in a column header.

String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the image to display in the column header.

DataGridViewCellStyle: Returns or sets the column's header style.

String: Returns or sets the caption text on the column's header cell.

DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode: Returns the sizing mode in effect for the column.

DataGridViewColumnSortMode: Returns the sort mode in effect for the column.

Boolean: Gets a value indicating whether the column is bound to a data source.

Boolean: Returns true when the implementation class is DataGridViewRow.

Int32: Returns or sets the maximum width, in pixels, of the column.


Int32: Returns or sets the minimum width, in pixels, of the column.


DataGridViewTriState: Returns or sets whether the user can move the column.

Setting this property to NotSet inherits the value of AllowUserToOrderColumns. Otherwise the value of this property overrides the behavior determined in AllowUserToOrderColumns.

String: Returns or sets the name of the column.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can edit the column's cells.


DataGridViewTriState: Returns or sets whether the column is resizable.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the column is selected.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the column should be included in the visibility menu.

DataGridViewColumnSortMode: Returns or sets the sort mode for the column.

String: Returns or sets the text used for ToolTips.

Boolean: Enables or disables the user paint feature for all the cells in this column. When UserPaint is true, the application can handle the CellPaint event to draw custom content in each cell.

Type: Returns or sets the data type of the values in the column's cells.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the column is visible.

Int32: Returns or sets the current width of the column.



Returns: Object. An Object that represents the cloned DataGridViewColumn.

Resets the width to the default value.

Updates the component on the client.


EventHandler Fired when the DataGridViewColumn is disposed.

Inherited By


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