

Namespace: Wisej.Core

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Allows an object to serialize itself.

public interface IWisejSerializable


Serialize the object in JSON format.



The JSON text writer.


Set of serializer options.

Returns: Boolean. True of the object handled the serialization, otherwise false to perform the default serialization.

Implemented By


UI implementation for the FileDialog class.

UI implementation for the FolderDialog class.

Base class for all Wisej controls.

Displays data in a customizable list format.

Displays a toast that can contain an icon and text.

Represents a shape control. Displays an element a border in any of the four sides.

Represents a panel that dynamically arranges its child controls.

Represents a spacer control. It can be used to add a space between controls in a layout panel. It is not rendered on the client.

Represents a data field that displays a list of selectable and removable tags. The control recognizes tags as the user types and adds in front of the editable field.

Displays child controls vertically or horizontally in a scrollable container.

Represents the navigation and manipulation user interface (UI) for controls that are bound to a data source.

Represents a button control.

Implements the basic functionality common to button controls.

Represents a check box control.

Represents a combo box control.

Provides focus-management functionality for controls that can function as a container for other controls.

Represents a control that allows the user to select or type a date and a time.

Represents a spinner control that displays string values.

Represents a panel that dynamically arranges its children horizontally or vertically in automatic rows or columns.

Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface.

Represents a Wisej control that displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption.

Represents a label control.

Represents an hyper-link control.

Represents a control to display a list of items.

Uses a mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input.

Represents the container for multiple-document interface (MDI) child forms.

Displays a message box that can contain text, buttons, and symbols that inform and instruct the user.

Represents a control that enables the user to select a date using a visual monthly calendar display.

Represents a spinner control that displays numeric values.

Represents a web page that fills the browser and acts as the main container for the application. An application can have only one active main page at any given time.

Represents a collapsible panel with an optional header that contains a group of controls.

Represents an image control.

Represents a progress control that displays a value visually as a filled bar.

Defines a base class for controls that support auto-scrolling behavior.

Represents an horizontal scroll bar.

Represents a vertical scroll bar.

Implements the basic functionality of a scroll bar control.

Represents a control consisting of a movable bar that divides a container's display area into two resizable panels.

Displays information to the user in a about the object being viewed, the object's components, or the object's operation.

Represents a panel that dynamically lays out its contents in a grid composed of rows and columns.

Represents a text box control that allows the user to enter any value.

Implements the basic functionality required by text controls.

Implements a timer that raises an event at user-defined intervals.

Enables the user to choose between a range of values by sliding a small bar along another bar.

Implements the basic functionality required by a spin box (also known as an up-down control).

Provides an empty control that can be used to create other controls.

Represents a web browser control that enables the user to navigate web pages inside a form or a page.

Represents a data grid control.

Represents a desktop container that can host floating windows.

Provides support for animating controls or windows using predefined animations definitions or custom animations in response to certain events.

Provides a user interface for indicating that a control on a form has an error associated with it.

Represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays a brief help text next to a control when it gets activated (focused).

Allows controls to execute javascript code.

Adds CSS styling to controls.

Represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays a brief description of a control's purpose when the user rests the pointer on the control.

Displays an alert box that can contain an icon and text that inform and instruct the user. Alert boxes are not modal and can disappear automatically.

Represents a control that can host ASP.NET or MVC pages within a Wisej application.

Represents the HTML5 canvas element.

Represents a control that displays any HTML file and a corresponding CSS style sheet as embedded HTML.

Represents a control that displays any HTML file in an IFrame element.

Represents a line control.

Base implementation for media controls.

Represents a split button control.

Represent an upload widget. Allows users to selected one or more files and upload them to the server.

Provides an popup container that can be attached to other controls.

Provides a generic widget that can use most third party javascript widgets.

Represents a list view control, which displays a collection of items that can be displayed using one of four different views.

Represents the base functionality for all menus.

Represents a menu bar component.

Provides a user interface for browsing the properties of an object.

Represents a toolbar component.

Represents padding or margin information associated with a user interface (UI) element.

Represents a Wisej theme.

The base class for Wisej components that are not controls. Wisej components are still managed on the client and the server but are not present on the designer surface. Examples of wisej components are: menu items, image lists, tree nodes, list items.

Last updated