

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents the collection of data bindings for a control.

public class ControlBindingsCollection : ControlBindingsCollection


Initializes a new instance of the ControlBindingsCollection class with the specified bindable control.


Control: Returns the control that the collection belongs to.

DataSourceUpdateMode: Returns or sets the default DataSourceUpdateMode for a Binding in the collection.

Binding: Returns the Binding specified by the control's property name.

Binding: Returns the Binding at the specified index.



Adds the specified Binding to the collection.


Creates a Binding using the specified control property name, data source, and data member, and adds it to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding.


  • Exception The propertyName is already data-bound.

  • Exception The dataMember doesn't specify a valid member of the dataSource .

Creates a binding with the specified control property name, data source, data member, and information about whether formatting is enabled, and adds the binding to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding.


  • ArgumentException The property given by propertyName does not exist on the control.-or-The property given is a read-only property.

  • Exception If formatting is disabled and the propertyName is neither a valid property of a control nor an empty string ("").

Creates a binding with the specified control property name, data source, data member, and information about whether formatting is enabled, and adds the binding to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding.


  • ArgumentException The property given by propertyName does not exist on the control.-or-The property given is a read-only property.

  • Exception If formatting is disabled and the propertyName is neither a valid property of a control nor an empty string ("").

Creates a binding with the specified control property name, data source, data member, and information about whether formatting is enabled, and adds the binding to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding.


  • ArgumentException The property given by propertyName does not exist on the control.-or-The property given is a read-only property.

  • Exception If formatting is disabled and the propertyName is neither a valid property of a control nor an empty string ("").

Creates a binding that binds the specified control property to the specified data member of the specified data source, optionally enabling formatting, propagating values to the data source based on the specified update setting, and adding the binding to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding.


  • ArgumentException The property given by propertyName does not exist on the control or is read-only.-or-The specified data member does not exist on the data source.-or-The data source, data member, or control property specified are associated with another binding in the collection.

Creates a binding that binds the specified control property to the specified data member of the specified data source, optionally enabling formatting, propagating values to the data source based on the specified update setting, setting the property to the specified value when DBNull is returned from the data source, and adding the binding to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding


  • ArgumentException The property given by propertyName does not exist on the control or is read-only.-or-The specified data member does not exist on the data source.-or-The data source, data member, or control property specified are associated with another binding in the collection.

Creates a binding that binds the specified control property to the specified data member of the specified data source, optionally enabling formatting with the specified format string, propagating values to the data source based on the specified update setting, setting the property to the specified value when DBNull is returned from the data source, and adding the binding to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding


  • ArgumentException The property given by propertyName does not exist on the control or is read-only.-or-The specified data member does not exist on the data source.-or-The data source, data member, or control property specified are associated with another binding in the collection.

Creates a binding that binds the specified control property to the specified data member of the specified data source, optionally enabling formatting with the specified format string, propagating values to the data source based on the specified update setting, setting the property to the specified value when DBNull is returned from the data source, setting the specified format provider, and adding the binding to the collection.

Returns: Binding. The newly created Binding.


  • ArgumentException The property given by propertyName does not exist on the control or is read-only.-or-The specified data member does not exist on the data source.-or-The data source, data member, or control property specified are associated with another binding in the collection.

Removes all bindings in the collection.

Removes the specified Binding from the collection.


Removes the Binding at the specified index.



CollectionChangeEventHandler Fired when the collection has changed.

CollectionChangeEventHandler Fired when the collection is about to change.

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