

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Provides data for the MouseUp, MouseDown, and MouseMove events.

public class MouseEventArgs : EventArgs


Initializes a new instance of the MouseEventArgs class.

Initializes a new instance of the MouseEventArgs class.


MouseButtons: Returns which mouse button was pressed.

Int32: Returns the number of clicks or taps.

Int32: Returns the number of times the mouse wheel has rotated.

Point: Returns the location of the mouse or pointer event.

Control: Returns the original target Control when the pointer event has bubbled up because the original target was either not Enabled or Anonymous.

String: Returns the internal role assigned to the element that generated the pointer event: checkbox, button, ...

The value in the Role property is taken from the "role" attribute of the clicked element inside the widget. You can detect clicks on custom HTML content by adding the role attribute to the custom element.

Int32: Returns the x-coordinate of the mouse or touch event.

Int32: Returns the y-coordinate of the mouse or touch event.

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