

Namespace: Wisej.Core

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Encapsulates HTTP-response information from an ASP.NET operation.

public class HttpResponse


String: Returns or set the HTTP MIME type of the output stream.

HttpContext: Returns the current HttpContext.

Stream: Enables binary output to the outgoing HTTP content body.

Int32: Returns or sets the HTTP status code returned to the client.

String: Returns or sets the HTTP status string to return to the client.


Adds the HTTP header to the response.

Writes an array of bytes to the HTTP output stream.

Writes an array of bytes to the HTTP output stream.

Sends all currently buffered output to the client.


Returns a redirect response (HTTP 301 or HTTP 302) to the client.

Writes the specified filePath to the current HTTP response stream without buffering it in memory.


Writes the specified part of a file directly to an HTTP response output stream without buffering it in memory.


  • ArgumentNullException The filename parameter is null.

  • PlatformNotSupportedException The out-of-process worker request is not supported.- or -The response is not using an HttpWriter object.

  • ArgumentException The offset parameter is less than zero or greater than the file size.- or -The length parameter is less than -1 or greater than the value of the offset parameter plus the file size.

Writes an image to the HTTP response stream.


Copies a stream to the HTTP response stream.

Writes a string to the current HTTP response string.

Writes an object to the HTTP response stream.

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