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Last updated
Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides data for the LoadPath event.
Allows an application to filter the files and folders loaded by the FileDialog and FolderBrowserDialog components and to set the icon, creation date and modified date. To skip a file or folder, set e.Cancel = true. To set a file's icon, or date, set the ImageSource, CreationTime or LastWriteTime properties.
Constructs a new instance of FileDialogLoadPathEventArgs.
Path of the file or directory.
Indicates that the path is for a directory.
DateTime: Sets the creation DateTime of the file.
Int64: Sets the file size in bytes.
String: Sets the name or path of the icon to display next to the file.
Boolean: Returns true when the Path refers to a directory.
DateTime: Sets the last modified DateTime of the file.
String: Returns the full path of the file or folder being loaded.
Represents the method that will handle the and events.