

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents a control that allows the user to select or type a date and a time.

public class DateTimePicker : Control, INotifyPropertyChanged, IModified, ILabel, IReadOnly, IValidation

There are 4 tooltip labels that can be localized for this control. They are already localized in the default languages provided by Wisej. An application can localize the tooltip labels by adding the string resources to the localized Resources.resx or /Properties/Resources.resx.

  • $Next year The tooltip text displayed on the popup calendar for the next-year button.

  • $Last year The tooltip text displayed on the popup calendar for the last-year button.

  • $Next month The tooltip text displayed on the popup calendar for the next-month button.

  • $Last month The tooltip text displayed on the popup calendar for the last-month button.


Initializes a new instance of the DateTimePicker class.


Boolean: Returns or sets whether the height of the control is set automatically. (Default: True)

BorderStyle: Returns or sets the type of border that is drawn around the DateTimePicker. (Default: Solid)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the checkbox in the DateTimePicker is checked and the user can change the control's value. It works in conjunction with the ShowCheckBox property. (Default: True)

String: Returns or sets the custom date/time format string. (Default: "")

See Custom Date and Time Format Strings for the supported format definitions.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can edit the text in the control. (Default: True)

Boolean: Enables or disables the browser's context menu. (Default: True)

Day: Returns or sets the first day of the week as displayed in the month calendar. (Default: Default)

DateTimePickerFormat: Returns or sets the format of the date/time value displayed in the control. (Default: Long)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the prompt characters in the input mask are hidden when the masked datetime picker loses focus. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates that the control is invalid.

String: Returns or sets the invalid message that is shown in the invalid tooltip. (Default: "")

LabelWrapper: Provides a label related to the control.

String: Returns or sets the localizable label associated with this control. (Default: "")

String: Returns or sets the input mask. (Default: "")

When setting an edit mask on the DateTimePicker control you must also select a Format that matches the mask. Otherwise the formatted date selected using the drop down calendar or by code will be formatted into a string that is not compatible with the edit mask. For example, if the mask is "##/##/####" the Format should be Short or CustomFormat should be "dd/MM/yyyy". See also the TextMaskFormat property to determine how the mask is stripped when reading the Text property.

DateTime: Returns or sets the maximum date and time that can be selected in the control.


DateTime: Returns or sets the minimum date and time that can be selected in the control.


Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates that the date time picker control has been modified by the user since the control was created or its contents were last set.

Nullable<DateTime>: Returns or sets the date/time Value assigned to the control with the difference that if the value is DateTime.MinValue it returns null.

This property should be used when the DateTimePicker may hold a null date and it's bound to a database nullable column. Throws:

Char: Returns or sets the character used to represent the absence of user input in the DateTimePicker control. (Default: _)


  • ArgumentException The character specified when setting this property is not a valid prompt character.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control is read-only. (Default: False)

Boolean: Selects the text when gaining the focus. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating if a calendar button (drop down control) is displayed and can be used to pick the date/time value. (Default: True)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether a check box is displayed to the left of the selected date. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the current date is displayed at the bottom of the control. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the popup calendar shows ToolTips. (Default: True)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating if the spin buttons (up and down controls) are displayed and can be used to adjust the date/time value. (Default: False)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the calendar control displays week numbers (1-52) to the left of each row of days. (Default: True)

String: Returns or sets the text associated with this control. (Default: "")

MaskFormat: Since 3.2.8 Returns or sets a value that determines whether literals and prompt characters are included in the Text value when the DateTimePicker also specifies a Mask. (Default: IncludeLiterals)

This property lets you control the value returned by the Text property when there is an edit Mask. The default is to remove the prompt and keep the literal in order to return a text value that can be parsed to a valid date: i.e. "1_/10/__23" is retuned as "1/10/23". Since 3.2.8 Note that when the value is null or empty, and regardless of the mask, the Text property returns an empty string.

DateTime: Returns or sets the value that is used by DateTimePicker as today's date.


  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value is less than the minimum allowable date; or the value is greater than the maximum allowable date.

String: Returns or sets the format string used to display today's date. (Default: "d")

See Custom Date and Time Format Strings for the supported format definitions.

ComponentToolCollection: Returns the instance of ComponentToolCollection associated with this control.

DateTime: Returns or sets the DateTime value assigned to the control.


String: Returns or sets the text to show when the field is empty. (Default: null)


EventHandler Fired when the value of the Checked property changes.

EventHandler Fired when the drop-down calendar is dismissed and disappears.

EventHandler Fired when the drop-down calendar is shown.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the Editable property has changed.

EventHandler Fired when the Format property value has changed.

EventHandler Occurs after the input mask is changed.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the Modified property has changed.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the ReadOnly property has changed.

ToolClickEventHandler Fired when a ComponentTool is clicked.

EventHandler Fired when the Value property changes.

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