

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents a web browser control that enables the user to navigate web pages inside a form or a page.

public class WebBrowser : Control


Initializes a new instance of the WebBrowser class.


BorderStyle: Indicates the border style for the control. (Default: Solid)

Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating whether scroll bars are displayed in the WebBrowser control. (Default: True)

Uri: Returns or sets the URL of the current document. (Default: null)



Navigates the WebBrowser control to the previous page in the navigation history, if one is available.

Due to IFrame security constraints, this method will not work when the source of the IFrame content is from a different domain.

Navigates the WebBrowser control to the next page in the navigation history, if one is available.

Due to IFrame security constraints, this method will not work when the source of the IFrame content is from a different domain.

Loads the document at the location indicated by the specified Uri into the WebBrowser control.


Loads the document at the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL) into the WebBrowser control.


WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler Fired when the WebBrowser control finishes loading a web page.


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