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Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Provides a user interface for indicating that a control on a form has an error associated with it.
Initializes a new instance of the ErrorProvider class and initializes the default settings for BlinkRate, BlinkStyle, and the Icon.
Initializes a new instance of the ErrorProvider class attached to a ContainerControl.
Initializes a new instance of the ErrorProvider class attached to an IContainer implementation.
Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the control can display HTML in the ErrorMessage property.
ErrorAnimationType: Returns or sets a value indicating the type of animation to perform when the error icon blinks..
Int32: Returns or sets the rate at which the error icon flashes.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value is less than zero.
ErrorBlinkStyle: Returns or sets a value indicating when the error icon flashes.
ContainerControl: Returns or sets the parent control for this ErrorProvider.
String: Returns or sets the list within a data source to monitor for errors.
Object: Returns or sets the data source that the ErrorProvider monitors for errors.
Boolean: Returns true when the error provider contains at least one error.
Image: Returns or sets the Image that is displayed next to a control when an error description string has been set for the control.
ArgumentNullException The assigned value of the Image is null.
ErrorIconAlignment: Returns or sets the default ErrorIconAlignment.
Int32: Returns or sets the default ErrorIconAlignment.
String: Returns or sets the source URL of the image that is displayed next to a control when an error description string has been set for the control.
ArgumentNullException The assigned value of the Image is null.
Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the component is used in a locale that supports right-to-left fonts.
Object: Returns or sets an object that contains data about the component.
Sets the DataSource and DataMember properties.
A collection within the dataSource to monitor for errors.
Returns a value indicating whether a control can be extended.
The control to be extended.
Returns: Boolean. true if the control can be extended; otherwise, false.This property will be true if the object is a Control and is not a Form or ToolBar.
Clears all error providers.
Returns the current error description string for the specified control.
The item to get the error description string for.
Returns: String. The error description string for the specified control.
ArgumentNullException control is null.
Returns a value indicating where the error icon should be placed in relation to the control.
The control to get the icon location for.
Returns: ErrorIconAlignment. One of the ErrorIconAlignment values. The default icon alignment is MiddleRight.
ArgumentNullException control is null.
Returns the amount of extra space to leave next to the error icon.
The control to get the padding for.
Returns: Int32. The number of pixels to leave between the icon and the control.
ArgumentNullException control is null.
Sets the error description string for the specified control.
The control to set the error description string for.
ArgumentNullException control is null.
Sets the location where the error icon should be placed in relation to the control.
The control to set the icon location for.
ArgumentNullException control is null.
Sets the amount of extra space to leave between the specified control and the error icon.
The control to set the padding for.
The number of pixels to add between the icon and the control .
ArgumentNullException control is null.
Updated the bindings.
EventHandler Fired when the RightToLeft property changes value.
All wisej components implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The to monitor for errors.
An that represents the container of the extender.
A data set based on the interface to be monitored for errors.
The error description string, or null or to remove the error.
One of the values.