

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents an individual cell in a DataGridView control.

public class DataGridViewCell : DataGridViewElement, ICloneable



Int32: Returns the column index for this cell.

ContextMenu: Returns or sets the shortcut menu associated with the cell.

Control: Returns or sets a child control to display inside the cell.

DataGridView: Returns the DataGridView control associated with this DataGridViewCell.

Object: Returns the default value for a cell in the row for new records.

Boolean: Returns a value that indicates whether the cell is currently displayed.

Boolean: Returns whether the cell can be edited.

Object: Returns the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless of whether the cell is in edit mode and the value has not been committed.


String: Returns or sets the text describing an error condition associated with the cell.

Object: Returns the value of the cell as formatted for display.


Type: Returns the type of the formatted value associated with the cell.

Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the cell is frozen.

Boolean: Returns true it the Style property has been set.

Boolean: Checks if the UserData dynamic object was created and has any value.

Int32: Returns the height of the cell.

DataGridViewElementStates: Returns the current state of the cell as inherited from the state of its row and column.


DataGridViewCellStyle: Returns the style currently applied to the cell.


Boolean: Returns whether this is the current cell in the DataGridView.

Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether this cell is currently being edited.

DataGridViewColumn: Returns the column that contains this cell.

DataGridViewRow: Returns the row that contains this cell.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the cell's data can be edited.

Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the cell can be resized.

Int32: Returns the index of the cell's parent row.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the cell has been selected.

Size: Returns the size of the cell.

DataGridViewCellStyle: Returns or sets the style for the cell.

Object: Returns or sets the object that contains supplemental data about the cell.

String: Returns or sets the ToolTip text associated with this cell.

Object: Returns a dynamic object that can be used to store custom data in relation to this cell.

Boolean: Enables or disables the user paint feature for this cell. When UserPaint is true, the application can handle the CellPaint event to draw custom content in the cell.

Object: Returns or sets the value associated with this cell.


Type: Returns or sets the data type of the values in the cell.

Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the cell is in a row or column that has been hidden.

Int32: Returns the width of the cell.


Creates a copy of this cell.

Returns: DataGridViewCell. The cloned DataGridViewCell.

Returns the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless the cell being in edit mode.

Returns: Object. The current, formatted value of the DataGridViewCell.


Returns a value indicating the current state of the cell as inherited from the state of its row and column.

Returns: DataGridViewElementStates. A combination of DataGridViewElementStates values representing the current state of the cell.


Returns the style applied to the cell.

Returns: DataGridViewCellStyle. A DataGridViewCellStyle that includes the style settings of the cell inherited from the cell's parent row, column, and DataGridView.


Converts a value to the actual cell value.

Returns: Object. The cell value.


Resets the ReadOnly state to inherit its value from the OwningColumn, OwningRowand the DataGridView.

Updates the cell on the client.

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