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Namespace: Wisej.Web
Assembly: Wisej.Framework (
Represents a window or dialog box that makes up an application's user interface.
Default constructor.
IButtonControl: Returns or sets the button on the form that is clicked when the user presses the ENTER key. (Default: null
Assigning the AcceptButton doesn't automatically close the window when the button is pressed. It only assigns the value of the DialogResult property of the form to the value of the DialogResult property of the button. To close the form when the AcceptButton is clicked, you have to call the Close method when the button is pushed.
Boolean: Returns whether the form is the currently active top level window or the active mdi child window.
Form: Returns the currently active form for this application.
Form: Returns the currently active multiple-document interface (MDI) child window.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the opacity of the form can be adjusted.
String: Sets the appearance key for the theme engine. (Default: null
Boolean: Automatically closes the form or dialog when the user clicks anywhere on the browser outside of the form. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control resizes based on its contents. (Default: False
AutoSizeMode: Indicates the automatic sizing behavior of the control. (Default: GrowOnly
AutoValidate: Returns or sets how the control performs validation when the user changes focus to another control.
IButtonControl: Returns or sets the button control that is clicked when the user presses the ESC key. (Default: null
Assigning the CancelButton doesn't automatically close the window when the button is pressed. It only assigns the value of the DialogResult property of the form to the value of the DialogResult property of the button. To close the form when the CancelButton is clicked, you have to call the Close method when the button is pushed.
Size: Returns or sets the size of the client area of the form.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the Close button is displayed in the caption bar of the form. (Default: True
CloseReason: Returns the reason for the form closing.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether a control box is displayed in the caption bar of the form. (Default: True
DialogResult: Returns or sets the dialog result for the form.
Boolean: Enables or disables merging the MdiParent's menu with the active MdiChild form's menu. (Default: False
FormBorderStyle: Returns or sets the border style of the form. (Default: Sizable
Boolean: Returns whether this form is an IsMdiContainer and has any Mdi child form.
Boolean: Returns whether this form has any owned form.
Color: Returns or sets the background color of the title bar and frame of the window.
Color: Returns or sets the text color of the title bar of the window.
Image: Returns or sets the icon (32x32) for the Form.
Image: Returns or sets the large icon (128x128) for the Form.
String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the large icon to display for the Form.
String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the icon to display for the Form.
Boolean: Returns whether the Form has been closed.
Modal dialogs are reusable and are not disposed automatically when closed. Use this property to check whether a modal dialog has been closed, and use IsDisposed to check if it has been disposed.
Boolean: Returns whether the Form was created as a modal or modeless dialog using ShowDialog.
Boolean: Returns a value indicating whether the form is a multiple-document interface (MDI) child form.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the form is a container for multiple-document interface (MDI) child forms. (Default: False
Boolean: Keeps the form always centered in the browser. (Default: False
Boolean: Keeps the entire form within the browser view preventing the user from dragging the form, even partially, outside of the view. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the form is resized while the border is being dragged. (Default: False
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the Maximize button is displayed in the caption bar of the form. (Default: True
Size: Returns the maximum size the form can be resized to. (Default: {Width=0, Height=0}
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The values of the height or width within the Size object are less than zero.
Form[]: Returns an array of forms that represent the multiple-document interface (MDI) child forms that are parented to this form.
MdiClient: Returns the internal MdiClient component.
Form: Returns or sets the current multiple-document interface (MDI) parent form of this form.
MdiTabProperties: Provides properties for the TabControl object used to display the tabbed MDI interface.
MainMenu: Returns or sets the MainMenu that is displayed in the form. (Default: null
MainMenu: Returns the merged menu for the form.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the Minimize button is displayed in the caption bar of the form. (Default: True
Size: Returns or sets the minimum size the form can be resized to.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The values of the height or width within the Size object are less than zero.
Boolean: Returns whether this form is displayed modally.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the form can be moved by dragging.
Double: Returns or sets the opacity level of the form. (Default: 1
Form[]: Returns an array of Form objects that represent all forms that are owned by this form.
Form: Returns or sets the form that owns this form.
Exception A top-level window cannot have an owner.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the form is displayed in the Desktop taskbar. (Default: True
Boolean: Returns or sets a value that shows the modal mask on the client when this form is displayed. (Default: False
Modal forms - forms opened using ShowDialog - always show the modal mask by default.
Size: Returns or sets the size of the form.
FormStartPosition: Returns or sets the starting position of the form at run time. (Default: DefaultLocation
String: Returns or sets the title of the Form window. (Default: ""
ComponentToolCollection: Returns the instance of ComponentToolCollection associated with this control.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether to display the form as a top-level window.
Exception A Multiple-document interface (MDI) parent form must be a top-level window.
Boolean: Returns or sets whether the form should be displayed as a topmost form. (Default: False
FormWindowState: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether form is minimized, maximized, or normal. (Default: Normal
Activates the form and gives it focus.
Adds an owned form to this form.
Closes the form.
Computes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates.
Returns: Point. A Point that represents the converted Point, point , in client coordinates.
Computes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates.
Returns: Point. A Point that represents the converted Point, point , in screen coordinates.
Removes an owned form from this form.
Shows the form to the user.
Forms are disposed immediately when they are closed and cannot be shown again. The optional onclose parameter is an asynchronous callback handler invoked when the form is closed. It is similar to handling the FormClosed event.
InvalidOperationException The form being shown is already visible; or the form being shown is not a top-level window; or the form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.
Shows the form with the specified owner to the user.
Forms are disposed immediately when they are closed and cannot be shown again. The optional onclose parameter is an asynchronous callback handler invoked when the form is closed. It is similar to handling the FormClosed event.
InvalidOperationException The form being shown is already visible; or The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown; or the form being shown is disabled; or the form being shown is not a top-level window; or the form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.
Shows the form as a modal dialog box. When the onclose is specified, the dialog is modal only in the browser.
Returns: DialogResult. One of the DialogResult values.
When using ShowDialog, the dialog instance is not automatically disposed when the dialog is closed because dialogs are reusable. To make sure that memory is released properly, you must dispose the instance in your code or use the typical using pattern. Dialogs that are closed, but not disposed and not referenced by the application will be disposed by the Garbage Collector when it kicks in.
Modal dialogs suspend the code execution on the server side effectively replicating the full modal workflow employed by desktop applications. However, when the optional onclose parameter is specified, the dialog is modal only in the browser and doesn't suspend the server thread. Which is similar to the typical asynchronous modal pattern used in javascript.
InvalidOperationException The form being shown is already visible; or the form being shown is disabled; or the form being shown is not a top-level window; or the form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.
Shows the form as a modal dialog box with the specified owner. When the onclose is specified, the dialog is modal only in the browser.
Returns: DialogResult. One of the DialogResult values.
When using ShowDialog, the dialog instance is not automatically disposed when the dialog is closed because dialogs are reusable. To make sure that memory is released properly, you must dispose the instance in your code or use the typical using pattern. Dialogs that are closed, but not disposed and not referenced by the application will be disposed by the Garbage Collector when it kicks in.
Modal dialogs suspend the code execution on the server side effectively replicating the full modal workflow employed by desktop applications. However, when the optional onclose parameter is specified, the dialog is modal only in the browser and doesn't suspend the server thread. Which is similar to the typical asynchronous modal pattern used in javascript.
ArgumentException The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown.
InvalidOperationException The form being shown is already visible; or The form specified in the owner parameter is the same as the form being shown; or the form being shown is disabled; or the form being shown is not a top-level window; or the form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.
Asynchronously shows the form as an awaitable modal dialog box.
Returns: Task<DialogResult>. An awaitable Task that contains the DialogResult value returned asynchronous when the user closes the modal dialog.
When using ShowDialog, the dialog instance is not automatically disposed when the dialog is closed because dialogs are reusable. To make sure that memory is released properly, you must dispose the instance in your code or use the typical using pattern. Dialogs that are closed, but not disposed and not referenced by the application will be disposed by the Garbage Collector when it kicks in.
Asynchronous Modal dialogs don't suspend the code execution on the server side but can be "awaited" in "async" methods effectively replicating the full modal workflow employed by desktop applications in an asynchronous environment.
InvalidOperationException The form being shown is already visible; or the form being shown is disabled; or the form being shown is not a top-level window; or the form being shown as a dialog box is already a modal form.
EventHandler Fired when the form is activated in code or by the user.
EventHandler Fired when the form loses focus and is no longer the active form.
FormClosedEventHandler Occurs after the form is closed.
FormClosingEventHandler Occurs before the form is closed.
EventHandler Fired when the Help button is clicked.
EventHandler Fired before a form is displayed for the first time.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the MaximumSize property has changed.
EventHandler Fired when a multiple-document interface (MDI) child form is activated.
ControlEventHandler Fired when a multiple-document interface (MDI) child form is added to the mdi parent.
ControlEventHandler Fired when a multiple-document interface (MDI) child form is removed from the mdi parent.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the MinimumSize property has changed.
EventHandler Fired whenever the form is first displayed.
ToolClickEventHandler Fired when a ComponentTool is clicked.
EventHandler Fired when the value of the WindowStateChanged property has changed.
UI implementation for the FileDialog class.
UI implementation for the FolderDialog class.
Bindable components implement this interface.
Provides the functionality for a control to act as a parent for other controls.
Controls that support drag & drop operations implement this interface.
All wisej components implement this interface.
All wisej top-level windows implement this interface.
Allows an object to serialize itself.
The that this form will own.
The screen coordinate to convert.
The client coordinate to convert.
A representing the form to remove from the list of owned forms for this form.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the form/dialog has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the
A that is related to this instance. This form is added to the collection of the owner form.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the form/dialog has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the form/dialog has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the
A that is related to this instance. This form is added to the collection of the owner form.
Optional async handler for the close event; called when the form/dialog has been closed. It's the equivalent of handling the When the onclose event handler is specified, the modal dialog doesn't suspend the execution on the server but it's still shown as a modal dialog on the client.
An optional that is related to this instance. This form is added to the collection of the owner form.
All wisej controls derived from the class must implement this interface.