

Namespace: Wisej.Base

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Collection of responsive profiles.

public class ResponsiveProfileCollection : SynchronizedList<>


ResponsiveProfile: Returns the current profile.

ResponsiveProfile: Returns the default profile.

ResponsiveProfile: Returns the ResponsiveProfile identified by the specified name .


Adds a new ResponsiveProfile to the collection.

Adds a list of ResponsiveProfile objects in the collection..

Verifies if the ResponsiveProfile identified by the specified name is present in the collection.

Returns: Boolean. True if the collection contains a ResponsiveProfile with the specified name .

Checks if the ResponsiveProfile instance is already present in the collection.

Returns: Boolean.

Creates ore retrieves a ResponsiveProfile using the specified name .

Returns: ResponsiveProfile. Either an existing ResponsiveProfile with the specified name or a newly created ResponsiveProfile with the specified name .

Inserts a ResponsiveProfile instance into the collection at the specified index .

Inserts a collection of ResponsiveProfile instances into the collection starting at the specified index .

Removes the ResponsiveProfile with the specified name.

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