

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Manages all Binding objects that are bound to the same data source and data member.

public class BindingManagerBase


BindingsCollection: Returns the collection of bindings being managed.

Int32: Returns the number of items in the list.

Object: Returns the current item in the list.

Boolean: Returns whether binding is suspended.

Int32: Returns or sets the position of the data binding source within the list.


Adds a new item to the underlying list.


  • NotSupportedException The underlying data source does not implement IBindingList, or the data source has thrown an exception because the user has attempted to add a row to a read-only or fixed-size DataView.

Cancels the current edit operation.

Ends the current edit operation.

Returns the property descriptor collection for the underlying list.

Returns: PropertyDescriptorCollection. A PropertyDescriptorCollection for the list.

Removes the item at the specified index.


Resumes data binding.

Suspends data binding to prevents changes from updating the bound data source.


BindingCompleteEventHandler Fired at the completion of a data-binding operation.

EventHandler Fired when the currently bound item changes.

EventHandler Fired when the state of the currently bound item changes.

BindingManagerDataErrorEventHandler Fired when an Exception is silently handled by the BindingManagerBase.

EventHandler Fired after the value of the Position property has changed.

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