

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents a panel in a Accordion control.

public class AccordionPanel : Panel


Initializes a new instance of the AccordionPanel class.

Initializes a new instance of the AccordionPanel class and specifies the text to display as the title of the panel.


Accordion: Returns the parent Accordion control.

Boolean: Returns whether the AccordionPanel is collapsed.

Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the panel can show the expand button on the title bar.

String: Returns or sets the text to display as the title of the AccordionPanel.

ComponentToolCollection: Returns the instance of ComponentToolCollection associated with this control.


Retrieves the panel that contains the specified Control.

Returns: AccordionPanel. The AccordionPanel that contains the specified Control, or null if it cannot be found.

Overridden to update the parent Accordion when in design mode.


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