

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Represents a collapsible panel with an optional header that contains a group of controls.

public class Panel : ScrollableControl


Initializes a new instance of the Panel class.


PanelAutoShowMode: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the collapsed panel is automatically expanded when the mouse hovers over the title bar.

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control resizes based on its contents.

AutoSizeMode: Indicates the automatic sizing behavior of the control.

BorderStyle: Indicates the border style for the control.

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the Panel is collapsed.

HeaderPosition: Returns or sets a value that indicates to which side should the panel collapse.

Rectangle: Returns a rectangle that represents the dimensions of the GroupBox.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control can gain the focus.

HorizontalAlignment: Returns or sets the alignment of the header text in the Panel control.

Color: Returns or sets the background color of the header of the panel.

Color: Returns or sets the text color of the header of the panel.

HeaderPosition: Returns or sets a value that indicates on which side to display the header when the header is visible.

Int32: Returns or sets the size of the header. When the header is horizontal, the size if the height; when it's vertical, the size if the width. Set it to -1 to reset to the size set in the current theme.

Image: Returns or sets the image that is displayed in the header of the panel.

Int32: Returns or sets the image list index value of the image in the ImageList displayed in the button control.


String: Returns or sets the key accessor for the image in the ImageList displayed in the header of the panel.

ImageList: Returns or sets the ImageList that contains the Image displayed in the header of the panel control.

String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the image to display in the header of the panel.

Boolean: Enables or disables right-to-left layout when the value of RightToLeft is Yes

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates the caption bar displays the close button to collapse or expand the panel.

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the caption bar is visible.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key and the Focusable property is set to true.

String: Returns or sets the title of the Panel panel.

ComponentToolCollection: Returns the instance of ComponentToolCollection associated with this control.

String: Returns or sets the ToolTip text for the header of the panel.


EventHandler Fired when the panel is collapsed.

EventHandler Fired when the panel is expanded.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the RightToLeftLayout property changes.

ToolClickEventHandler Fired when a ComponentTool is clicked.

Inherited By


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