

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Provides data for the DragDrop, DragEnter, or DragOver event.

public class DragEventArgs : EventArgs


Initializes a new instance of the DragEventArgs class.





The data associated with this event.



DragDropEffects: Returns which drag-and-drop operations are allowed by the originator (or source) of the drag event.

String: Specify the types of files that the server accepts (that can be submitted through a file upload).

The allowed files string follows the HTML 4.01 and HTML5 specifications. You can configure only one entry in the browser's file dialog. The syntax is "file_extension|audio/|video/|image/*|media_type". Look at IANA Media Types for a complete list of standard media types.

IDataObject: Returns the IDataObject that contains the data associated with this event.

Control: Returns the component that started the drag operation by calling DoDragDrop. [Since 2.5.32]

Object: Returns the original target of the drag operation.

DragDropEffects: Returns or sets the target drop effect in a drag-and-drop operation.

HttpFileCollection: Returns the HttpFileCollection containing the files that have been dropped on the target, or null.

Image: Returns or sets the custom image displayed on the client to represent the drag action.

Size: Returns or sets the size in pixels of the custom image displayed on the client to represent the drag action.

String: Returns or sets the custom image source displayed on the client to represent the drag action.

Int32: Returns the current state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, as well as the state of the mouse buttons.

Point: Returns the location of the mouse or pointer event, in screen coordinates.

Int32: Returns the x-coordinate of the mouse or pointer, in screen coordinates.

Int32: Returns the y-coordinate of the mouse or pointer, in screen coordinates.

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