

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Provides a common implementation of members for the ListBox and ComboBox classes.

public class ListControl : Control


Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating that the control can display html in the Text property.

BorderStyle: Returns or sets the type of border that is drawn around the ListControl.

Object: Returns or sets the data source for this ListControl.


String: Returns or sets the property to display for this ListControl.

IFormatProvider: Returns or sets the IFormatProvider that provides custom formatting behavior.

String: Returns or sets the format-specifier characters that indicate how a value is to be displayed.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether formatting is applied to the DisplayMember property of the ListControl.

String: Returns or sets the property to use as the icon for the items in the ListControl.

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates that the control is invalid.

String: Returns or sets the invalid message that is shown in the invalid tooltip.

Boolean: Returns or sets a value that indicates that the control has been modified by the user since the control was created or its contents were last set.

Int32: Returns or sets the number of items to prefetch outside of the visible area when VirtualScroll is set to true. The default is 0 (disabled).

Int32: When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets the zero-based index of the currently selected item.

Object: Returns or sets the value of the member property specified by the ValueMember property.


Boolean: Returns or sets whether to show tooltips (set using ToolTipMember) for the list items.

String: Returns or sets the property to use as the tooltip for the items in the ListControl, when the property ShowToolTips is set to true.

String: Returns or sets the property to use as the actual value for the items in the ListControl.


Boolean: Enables or disables virtual scrolling for the ListControl. When virtual scrolling is enabled, only the visible items are rendered in the browser allowing the ListControl to host virtually unlimited items without any performance loss.

When VirtualScroll is set to true, all the items must be of the same height, limiting the more flexible HTML rendering available when VirtualScroll is off (default). Setting the property PrefetchItems to a value greater than 0 allows the virtual view to prefetch the specified number of items outside of the visible area to enable smoother scrolling.


Populates the ListControl from the data appending the items to the existing items.

Returns: Int32. Numbers of items appended.

Use this method to fill a ListControl without binding it to the data source.

Populates the ListControl from the data .

Returns: Int32. Numbers of items added.

Use this method to fill a ListControl without binding it to the data source.

Returns the icon object, either an instance of Image or a String representing the icon name or URL, of the specified item.

Returns: Object. If the IconMember property is not specified, the value returned by GetItemIcon is null. Otherwise, the method returns the object value of the member specified in the IconMember property for the object specified in the item parameter.

Returns the text representation of the specified item.

Returns: String. If the DisplayMember property is not specified, the value returned by GetItemText is the value of the item's ToString method. Otherwise, the method returns the string value of the member specified in the DisplayMember property for the object specified in the item parameter.

Returns the tooltip text related to the object.

Returns: String. If the ToolTipMember property is not specified, the value returned by GetItemToolTip is null. Otherwise, the method returns the value of the member specified in the ToolTipMember property for the object specified in the item parameter.


EventHandler Fired when the DataSource changes.

EventHandler Fired when the DisplayMember property changes.

ListControlConvertEventHandler Fired when the control is bound to a data value.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the FormatInfo property changes.

EventHandler Fired when value of the FormatString property changes.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the FormattingEnabled property changes.

EventHandler Fired when the IconMember property changes.

EventHandler Fired when the value of the Modified property has changed.

EventHandler Fired when the SelectedValue property changes.

EventHandler Fired when the ToolTipMember property changes.

EventHandler Fired when the ValueMember property changes.

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