

Namespace: Wisej.Base

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

The base class for Wisej components that are not controls. Wisej components are still managed on the client and the server but are not present on the designer surface. Examples of wisej components are: menu items, image lists, tree nodes, list items.

public class Component : IDisposable, IWisejComponent, IWisejSerializable


Default constructor

Default constructor


Boolean: Checks if the UserData dynamic object was created and has any value.

Boolean: Indicates that the component has been disposed.

Object: Returns a dynamic object that can be used to store custom data in relation to this component.


Runs the JavaScript function within the component's context in the browser.

Runs the JavaScript function within the component's context in the browser and returns the value to the callback method.

Asynchronously runs the JavaScript function within the component's context in the browser and returns an awaitable Task containing the value returned by the remote call.

Returns: Task<Object>. An awaitable Task that represents the asynchronous operation.

Releases all resources used by the Component.

Runs the javaScript code within the component's context in the browser.

Runs the javaScript code within the component's context in the browser and returns the value to the callback method.

Asynchronously runs the javaScript code within the component's context in the browser and returns an awaitable Task that contains the value returned by the remote call.

Returns: Task<Object>. An awaitable Task that represents the asynchronous operation.

Updates the component on the client.


EventHandler Fired when the component is disposed.

Inherited By


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