

Namespace: Wisej.Web

Assembly: Wisej.Framework (

Provides an popup container that can be attached to other controls.

public class UserPopup : UserControl


Initializes a new instance of the UserPopup control.

Initializes a new instance of the UserPopup control.


Placement: Returns or sets the alignment side and position of the popup. The actual location depends on the placement methods defined by the PlacementX and PlacementY properties.

Boolean: Determines whether the popup will close automatically when the user clicks outside of the control.

Color: Returns or sets the background color for the control.

Padding: Returns or sets the offset in pixels from the calculated position of the popup.

IWisejComponent: Returns the opener Control. It may be null if the popup was shown without specifying an opener.

PlacementMode: Returns or sets the method used to calculate the position of the popup according to the value of the Alignment property.

PlacementMode: Returns or sets the method used to calculate the position of the popup according to the value of the Alignment property.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key and the Focusable property is set to true.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the control and all its child controls are displayed.


Closes the UserPopup.

Shows the UserPopup in relation to the specified opener .

Shows the UserPopup at the specified screen coordinates.

Shows the UserPopup at the specified screen location.

Asynchronously displays the UserPopup in relation to the specified opener .

Returns: Task.

Asynchronously displays the UserPopup at the specified screen coordinates.

Returns: Task.

Asynchronously displays the UserPopup at the specified screen location.

Returns: Task.


EventHandler Fired when the UserPopup control is closed.


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