
Properties are specific to the widget that is using the appearance key where the properties are defined. Some properties are translated to "style" settings on the widget DOM element, while others may only affect internal behavior.

Each widget decides how to use a property. Unlike styles, properties are not limited by CSS specs.

Common Properties

This is the list of the common (shared) properties by all widgets. However, specific widgets may have additional themeable properties that are not listed here. See the Other Properties section for more information on how to find out which properties to use in a theme.

  • padding

    Property group: [ paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft ]

  • paddingTop

    The top padding in pixels.

  • paddingRight

    The right padding in pixels.

  • paddingBottom

    The bottom padding in pixels.

  • paddingLeft

    The left padding in pixels.

  • backgroundColor

    The background color of the rendered widget. It overrides the backgroundColor set in the styles and it is overridden by the BackColor set in the application.

  • textColor

    The text color of the rendered widget. It is overridden by the ForeColor set in the application.

  • font

    The widget's font. The value is either a font name defined in the fonts section or a full font definition.

  • opacity

    A decimal between 0 (invisible) and 1 (fully visible) that defines the opacity of the widget. See CSS3 opacity.

  • cursor

    The name of the cursor to show when the pointer is over the widget. Allowed values: "default", "crosshair", "pointer", "move", "n-resize", "ne-resize", "e-resize", "se-resize", "s-resize", "sw-resize", "w-resize", "nw-resize", "nesw-resize", "nwse-resize", "text", "wait", "help", "not-allowed", "row-resize", "col-resize".

  • nativeContextMenu

    Determines whether the native context menu should be enabled for this widget. Default: false.

  • minWidth

    The minimum width of the widget in pixels.

  • maxWidth

    The maximum width of the widget in pixels.

  • width

    The preferred width of widget in pixels. The actual size may change depending on the minWidth, maxWidth and the layout engine used by the widget. It is overridden by the Width property set in the application.

  • minHeight

    The minimum height of the widget in pixels.

  • maxHeight

    The maximum height of the widget in pixels.

  • height

    The preferred height of widget in pixels. The actual size may change depending on the minHeight, maxHeight and the layout engine used by the widget. It is overridden by the Height property set in the application.

  • allowStretchX

    Property group: [ allowGrowX, allowShrinkX ]

  • allowGrowX

    Determines whether the widget can grow horizontally. It is used by the internal layout engines.

  • allowShrinkX

    Determines whether the widget can shrink horizontally. It is used by the internal layout engines.

  • allowStretchY

    Property group: [ allowGrowY, allowShrinkY ]

  • allowGrowY

    Determines whether the widget can grow vertically. It is used by the internal layout engines.

  • allowShrinkY

    Determines whether the widget can shrink vertically. It is used by the internal layout engines.

  • margin

    Property group: [ marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft ]

  • marginTop

    The top margin in pixels.

  • marginRight

    The right margin in pixels.

  • marginBottom

    The bottom margin in pixels.

  • marginLeft

    The left margin in pixels.

  • alignX

    Determines the horizontal alignment of the item in the parent layout. It is used (or ignored) by the internal layout engines.

  • alignY

    Determines the vertical alignment of the item in the parent layout. It is used (or ignored) by the internal layout engines.

  • decoration

    Sets the text decoration for text in the widget. Allowed values: "none", "underline", "line-through", "overline".

  • icon

    The URL or theme image name of the icon to show in the widget. It's supported only by widgets that include a child Image element: buttons, labels, check boxes, radio buttons, ...

  • gap

    The space, in pixels, between the icon and the label in the container widget. It's supported only by widgets that include a child Image element: buttons, labels, check boxes, radio buttons, ...

  • show

    Determines whether the widget shows the icon, label, or both. Allowed values: "both", "label", "icon". It's supported only by widgets that include a child Image element: buttons, labels, check boxes, radio buttons, ...

  • iconPosition

    Determines the position of the icon in relation to the text. Allowed values: "top", "right", "bottom", "left", "top-left", "bottom-left", "top-right", "bottom-right". It's supported only by widgets that include a child Image element: buttons, labels, check boxes, radio buttons, ...

  • center

    Determines whether the content should be rendered centrally. It is used (or ignored) by the internal layout engines.

Other Properties

All the properties that are marked themeable in the widget's JavaScript code can be defined in a theme.

One way to find which properties are supported is to use the excellent qooxdoo API viewer and search for a base widget that corresponds to the Wisej.NET control. When using the API Viewer, note that themeable properties show a pencil icon.

Another way is to look at the JavaScript source code for the Wisej.NET widgets and their base classes to determine which properties are themeable.

 * CheckAlign property.
 * Gets or sets the horizontal and vertical alignment of the check mark.
checkAlign: {
	themeable: true,
	init: "middleLeft",
	apply: "_applyCheckAlign",
	check: ["topRight", "middleRight", "bottomRight", "topLeft", "topCenter", "middleLeft", "middleCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomCenter"]

Property Group

Property groups are composite properties that can set the values of other properties using a shorthand array. The code below shows a property group used to set related properties. In a theme definition file you can set a property group or a single property or both; they are applied in the order they are declared.

  "padding": [4, 0, 2, 4]

The definition above is equivalent to:

  "paddingTop": 4,
  "paddingRight": 0,
  "paddingBottom": 2,
  "paddingLeft": 4

Property groups that contain values for the four sides of an element follow the TRBL pattern (top, right, bottom, left).

Last updated

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