Updating the App

Hybrid Remote

When pushing updates to a Hybrid Remote application, the developer will generally just update the assemblies on the remote web server that the application is hosted on. This could be IIS, Nginx, or another reverse proxy.

This is because a Hybrid Remote application is a standard ASP.NET Core application that communicates with the Hybrid Client using JavaScript and the embedded web view.

The only time the developer must push a change to the app store is when changes are made to the Hybrid Client project. This may include updating the version of Wisej-3-Hybrid or Wisej-3-Hybrid-Native used within the project.

Hybrid Local

When making changes to a Hybrid Local application, the developer must always push updates to the application via the app stores.

A general rule of thumb to follow is that if anything on the client-level (Hybrid Client) changes, a change must be pushed to the app stores.

Last updated