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Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid
Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (
The "gateway" into the Hybrid client that provides access to native device properties, methods, and events.
DeviceAppActions: Manages application actions, such as shortcuts to specific parts of the application. This class provides methods to retrieve and set app actions, which can be used for quick access.
Use of this class requires additional setup. See App Actions for more details.
DeviceAppInfo: Provides methods to interact with the application info.
DeviceAppLinks: Provides methods to register and deregister application deep links.
DeviceAuthenticator: A web navigation API intended to be used for Authentication with external web services such as OAuth.
This API helps with navigating to a start URL and waiting for a callback URL to the app. Your app must be registered to handle the callback scheme you provide in the call to authenticate.
DeviceBackground: Provides properties to interact with the device's background.
DeviceBorder: Provides methods to interact with the device's border.
DeviceBottomBar: Provides properties to interact with the device's bottom bar.
DeviceBrowser: Provides methods to open the device's embedded or external web browser.
DeviceClipboard: Provides methods for interacting with the client device's clipboard.
DeviceContacts: Provides methods to access the device's contacts.
DeviceDisplay: Provides properties and events to interact with the device's display.
DeviceEmail: Provides methods to access the device's email client.
DeviceFileSystem: Provides methods to interact with the device's file system.
DeviceFlashlight: Provides methods to interact with the device's flashlight.
DeviceFlyout: Provides properties, methods, and events to interact with the Hybrid client's Flyout.
DeviceGeolocation: Provides methods to fetch the user's location.
DeviceHapticFeedback: Provides methods to trigger haptic feedback on the client device.
DeviceInfo: Provides information about the hybrid client.
DeviceLauncher: Provides methods to launch other apps.
DeviceLifecycle: Provides events related to the device lifecycle.
DeviceLocalNotification: Provides methods to schedule and handle local notifications on the device.
DeviceLogs: Provides an event to log device events.
DeviceMap: The Map API enables an application to open the installed map application to a specific location or placemark.
DeviceMedia: Provides properties and methods to interact with device media.
DeviceMenuBar: Provides methods to interact with the device's menu bar.
DeviceNavigation: Provides methods for handling navigation and page transitions within the app.
DevicePermissions: Provides methods to interact with device permissions.
DevicePopups: Provides methods to show popups.
DevicePreferences: Manages device preferences, allowing retrieval and storage of user preferences.
DeviceResources: Provides methods for accessing resources embedded within the Hybrid client application.
DeviceScreen: Provides methods for interacting with the device's screen, including taking screenshots and screen recording.
DeviceSecureStorage: Provides secure storage functionality for sensitive information on the device. This class allows for the storing, retrieving, and deleting of secure information.
This class requires special setup. See: for details.
DeviceSensors: Provides integrations to interact with device sensors.
DeviceSharing: Provides methods for sharing data on the client device.
DeviceSms: Provides methods to compose a SMS.
DeviceSpeech: Provides methods to interact with the device's speech module.
DeviceStatusBar: Provides properties to interact with the device's status bar.
DeviceTabBar: Provides acceess to the client device's tab bar.
DeviceTheme: Provides methods to interact with the Hybrid client app's theme.
DeviceTitleBar: Provides information about the application's title bar.
DeviceToolbar: Provides access to the client device's toolbar.
Boolean: Verifies that the application is running inside the mobile container.
DeviceVibration: Provides methods to vibrate the client device.
DeviceWindows: Provides methods to interact with device windows.
Posts a message to the device.
The handler to post to the device, i.e., "tabBar".
The action to perform on the handler.
The arguments associated with the action.
Posts an asynchronous message to the hybrid client.
The handler.
The action to perform on the handler.
The action arguments.
Returns: Task<Object>. A task representing the result of the operation.
Posts a message to the device and enters the modal state waiting for the response.
The handler to post to the device, i.e., "tabBar".
The action to perform on the handler.
The arguments associated with the action.
Returns: DeviceResponse. The response from the device.
Registers a client device event listener.
The handler identifier.
The callback to execute.
Removes an event listener, if it exists.
The handler identifier.
The event callback to detach.
Gets the given member or extension.
The type of the member or extension.
Returns: T. The member or extension.