

Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid

Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (

Provides information related to the device's system.

public class DeviceSystemInfo : DeviceInfoBase

Access this class through the Info singleton.


Creates a new instance of DeviceSystemInfo.


String: Gets the name of the application.

AppTheme: App theme (i.e. light, dark, etc.)

String: The name identifying the device.

DeviceType: Gets the type of device (physical / virtual).

String: Unique device ID.

DeviceIdiom: The type of device.

String: Device manufacturer.

String: The model of the device.

String: Gets the offline embedded web server url, if started.

String: Gets the name of the package.

AppPackagingModel: Gets whether the app has been packaged as an MSIX or an independent executable.

Windows only.

DevicePlatform: The name of the operating system running on the device.

String: The current version of the operating system.


Populates and updates DeviceSystemInfo with device information.



The dynamic info object.

Last updated