

Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid.Shared.Authenticator

Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (

Represents a Web Authenticator Result object parsed from the callback Url.

public class WebAuthenticatorResult

All of the query string or url fragment properties are parsed into a dictionary and can be accessed by their key.


Initializes a new instance of the WebAuthenticatorResult class.


String: The value for the access_token key.

Uri: The uri that was used to call back with the access token.

Nullable<DateTimeOffset>: The expiry date as calculated by the timestamp of when the result was created plus the value in seconds for the expires_in key.

String: The value for the id_token key.

Apple doesn't return an access token on iOS native sign in, but it does return id_token as a JWT.

Dictionary<String, String>: The dictionary of key/value pairs parsed form the callback URI's query string.

String: The value for the refresh_token key.

Nullable<DateTimeOffset>: The refresh token expiry date as calculated by the timestamp of when the result was created plus the value in seconds for the refresh_token_expires_in key.

DateTimeOffset: The timestamp when the class was instantiated, which usually corresponds with the parsed result of a request.


Gets a value for a given key from the dictionary.



Key from the callback URI's query string.

Returns: String.

Puts a key/value pair into the dictionary.




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