

Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid.Shared.AppLinks

Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (

A deep application link in an app link search index.

public class AppLinkEntry


Creates a new AppLinkEntry with default values.


Uri: Gets or sets an application-specific URI that uniquely describes content within an app.

An application-specific URI that uniquely describes content within an app.

String: Gets or sets a description that appears with the item in search results.

The description that appears with the item in search results.

Dictionary<String, String>: Gets a dictionary of application-specific key-value pairs.

A dictionary of standard and application-specific key-value pairs that is used for Handoff on the iOS platform. The standard keys are contentType, associatedWebPage, and shouldAddToPublicIndex.

String: Gets or sets the title of the item.


Creates and returns a new Microsoft.Maui.Controls.AppLinkEntry for the specified uri.



The Uri to use.

Returns: AppLinkEntry. The entry.

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