

Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid

Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (

Provides events related to the device lifecycle.

public class DeviceLifecycle

See: Access this class through the Info singleton.


Creates a new instance of DeviceLifecycle.


EventHandler Raised when the window has been activated, and is, or will become, the focused window.

EventHandler Raised when the hybrid app is entering the background.

EventHandler Raised when the window is no longer the focused window. However, the window might still be visible.

EventHandler Raised when the native window is being destroyed and deallocated. The same cross-platform window might be used against a new native window when the app is reopened.

EventHandler Raised when an app resumes after being stopped. This event won't be raised the first time your app launches, and can only be raised if the Stopped event has previously been raised.

EventHandler Raised when the window is no longer visible. There's no guarantee that an app will resume from this state, because it may be terminated by the operating system.

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