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Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid.Shared.Geolocation
Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (
Represents a physical location with the latitude, longitude, altitude and time information reported by the device.
Initializes a new instance of the Location class.
Initializes a new instance of the Location class with the specified latitude and longitude.
Initializes a new instance of the Location class with the specified latitude, longitude, and timestamp.
Initializes a new instance of the Location class with the specified latitude, longitude, and altitude.
Initializes a new instance of the Location class from an existing instance.
ArgumentNullException Thrown if point is .
Nullable<Double>: Gets or sets the horizontal accuracy (in meters) of the location.
Nullable<Double>: Gets the altitude in meters (if available) in a reference system which is specified by AltitudeReferenceSystem.
Returns 0 or if not available.
AltitudeReferenceSystem: Specifies the reference system in which the Altitude value is expressed.
Nullable<Double>: Gets or sets the current degrees relative to true north at the time when this location was determined.
Returns 0 or if not available.
Boolean: Gets or sets whether this location originates from a mocked sensor and thus might not be the real location of the device.
Double: Gets or sets the latitude coordinate of this location.
Double: Gets or sets the longitude coordinate of this location.
Boolean: Gets or sets whether this location has a reduced accuracy reading.
This functionality only applies to iOS. Other platforms will always report false.
Nullable<Double>: Gets or sets the current speed in meters per second at the time when this location was determined.
Returns 0 or if not available. Otherwise the value will range between 0-360. Requires Accuracy to be High or better.
DateTimeOffset: Gets or sets the timestamp of the location in UTC.
Nullable<Double>: Gets or sets the vertical accuracy (in meters) of the location.
Calculate distance between two locations.
Returns: Double. Distance between two locations in the unit selected.
Calculate distance between two locations.
Returns: Double. Distance between two locations in the unit selected.
Calculate distance between two locations.
Returns: Double. Distance between two locations in the unit selected.
Calculate distance between two Location instances.
Returns: Double. Distance between two locations in the unit selected.