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Last updated
Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid
Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (
Provides information about the application version.
Access this class through the Info singleton.
Creates a new instance of DeviceVersioningInfo.
String[]: Gets the collection of build numbers of the app that ran on this device.
String: Gets the current build of the app.
String: Gets the current version number of the app.
String: Gets the build number of first version of the app that was installed on this device.
String: Gets the version number of the first version of the app that was installed on this device.
Boolean: Gets a value indicating whether this is the first time this app has ever been launched on this device.
Boolean: Gets a value indicating if this is the first launch of the app for the current build number.
Boolean: Gets a value indicating if this is the first launch of the app for the current version number.
String: Gets the build number for the previously run version.
String: Gets the version number for the previously run version.
String[]: Gets the collection of version numbers of the app that ran on this device.
Populates and updates DeviceVersioningInfo with device information.
The dynamic info object.