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Namespace: Wisej.Hybrid.Shared.AppActions
Assembly: Wisej.Hybrid (
App Actions allow you to define and expose specific actions or tasks that users can perform within your mobile app, which can be triggered from various entry points, such as the app's launcher icon.
Initializes a new instance of AppAction.
Initializes a new instance of AppAction with the given arguments.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when either id or title is null.
String: Gets or sets the action icon.
The icon must be included in a ResourceDictionary on the client app. See:
String: Gets or sets the unique identifier used to respond to the action tap.
String: Gets or sets a sub-title to display under the Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.StartupAction.Title.
Not supported on all platforms.
String: Gets or sets the visible title to display on the app icon.