

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.BingWallpaper

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.BingWallpaper (

Changes the background image of the Desktop or any target Control Bing's images of the day.

public class BingWallpaper : Component


Initializes a new instance of the BingWallpaper class.

Initializes a new instance of the BingWallpaper class together with the specified container.



A IContainer that represents the container for the component.


Control: Returns or sets the control that will receive the background images. If left to null it will automatically use the current Desktop. (Default: null)

Boolean: Enables or disables a simple zoom animation when rotating images. (Default: True)

Int32: Returns or sets the fade in/out time in milliseconds. (Default: 1000)

Int32: Returns or sets the number of images to rotate. (Default: 10)

Int32: Returns or sets the rotation interval in milliseconds. (Default: 60000)

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