
The ClientFileSystem extension allows interaction with files on a user's local device, or on a user-accessible network file system. Core functionality of this API includes reading files, writing or saving files, and access to directory structure.

ClientFileSystem Source Code


  • Write files on the client system.

  • Read files on the client file system.

  • Query files on the client file system.

How to Use

The ClientFileSystem extension can be added to a Wisej.NET project using NuGet Package Manager.

Retrieve Files

Getting a list of file handles from a given directory on the client file system.

// get a directory from the client.
var directory = await ClientFileSystem.ShowDirectoryPickerAsync();
// get the files from that directory.
var fileHandles = await directory.GetFilesAsync("*.docx");

Write File

Bytes or text can be written directly to a file on the client's file system.

using (var fs = new FileStream(Application.MapPath("some/file.docx"), FileMode.Open)
    fileHandle.WriteBytesAsync(fs.ToArray(), 0, WritableType.Write, false);

Read File

Bytes or text can be read directly from a file on the client's file system.

// retrieve the first handle.
var fileHandle = files[0]; 	
// query read and write permissions on the file.
var state = await fileHandle.QueryPermissionAsync(Permission.ReadWrite);
if (state == PermissionState.Granted)
	// read and load the file.
	var bytes = await fileHandle.ReadBytesAsync();

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