

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.CoolClock

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.CoolClock (

CoolClock is a customizable javascript analog clock from coolclock.

public class CoolClock : Widget


Constructs a new instance of the CoolClock control.


CoolClockType: Returns or sets the type of clock to render. (Default: Standard)

Int32: Returns or sets the GMT offset. (Default: 0)

String: Overridden to create our initialization script.

Int32: Returns or sets the long tick delay. (Default: 15000)

Object: Overridden.

List<Package>: Overridden to return our list of script resources.

Boolean: Shows the digital clock. (Default: False)

Boolean: Shows or hides the second hand. (Default: True)

CoolClockSkin: Returns or sets the skin used to render the CoolClock. (Default: ChunkySwiss)

Int32: Returns or sets the tick delay. (Default: 1000)

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