

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.RibbonBar

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.RibbonBar (

Represents a single item in a RibbonBarGroup.

public class RibbonBarItem : Component


Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating whether a new column starts after this RibbonBarItem.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the RibbonBarItem can respond to user interaction. (Default: True)

Image: Returns or sets the image that is displayed next to a RibbonBarItem.

Int32: Returns or sets the index value of the image assigned to the RibbonBarItem. (Default: -1)


String: Returns or sets the name of the image assigned to the RibbonBarItem. (Default: "")

String: Returns or sets the theme name or URL for the image to display next to a RibbonBarItem.

String: Returns or sets the name of the RibbonBarItem.

RibbonBarGroup: Returns the RibbonBarGroup that owns this RibbonBarItem.

RibbonBar: Returns the RibbonBar that contains this RibbonBarItem;

String: Returns or sets the text of the RibbonBarItem. (Default: "")

String: Returns or sets the tooltip text for the RibbonBarItem. (Default: "")

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the RibbonBarItem is visible or hidden. (Default: True)


Updates the component on the client.


EventHandler Fired when the RibbonBarItem is clicked.

Inherited By


Represents a button in a RibbonBarGroup.

Represents a group of buttons in a RibbonBarGroup organized horizontally.

Represents a checkbox in a RibbonBarGroup.

Represents a combobox in a RibbonBarGroup.

Represents a user defined control in a RibbonBarGroup.

Represents a radio button in a RibbonBarGroup.

Represents a vertical separator in a RibbonBarGroup.

Represents a split button in a RibbonBarGroup.

Represents a textbox in a RibbonBarGroup.

Last updated