

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.CKEditor

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.CKEditor (

CKEditor (formerly FCKeditor) is an open source WYSIWYG text editor designed to bring common word processor features directly to web pages, simplifying their content creation. from:

public class CKEditor : Widget



String: Returns or sets the base url for the CKEditor installation

String[]: Returns the default buttons to show in the toolbar.

ExternalPlugin[]: Collection of external (local) plugins to register with the CKEditor control. (Default: null)

String[]: Returns or sets the font names to display in the toolbar.

String: Overridden to create our initialization script.

Object: Returns or sets the CKEDITOR.config to use for this instance of the editor: CKEDITOR. Use the toolbar configuration tool at index and copy the json into the Options definition.

List<Package>: Overridden to return our list of script resources.

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can interact with the editor. (Default: False)

Boolean: Shows or hides the footer panel. (Default: True)

Boolean: Shows or hides the toolbar panel. (Default: True)

String: Returns or sets the HTML text associated with this control. (Default: "")


Disables the specified command on the toolbar.



The name of the command to disable: i.e. "save", "bold", ...

Enables the specified command on the toolbar.



The name of the command to enable: i.e. "save", "bold", ...

Executes commands to manipulate the contents of the editable region.



The name of the command to execute. See execCommand for a list of commands.


For commands which require an input argument (such as insertImage, for which this is the URL of the image to insert), this is a string providing that information. Specify null if no argument is needed.

Most commands affect the document's selection (bold, italics, etc.), while others insert new elements (adding a link) or affect an entire line (indenting). When using contentEditable, calling execCommand() will affect the currently active editable element.


CommandEventHandler Fired after the editor executes a command.

LinkClickedEventHandler Fired after a link is clicked in the editor.

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