
The RibbonBar is a command bar that organizes the features of an application into a series of tabs at the top of the application main page or window. The RibbonBar user interface (UI) increases discoverability of features and functions, enables quicker learning of the application, and makes users feel more in control of their experience with the application. It replaces the traditional menu bar and toolbars.

How to Use

The RibbonBar is a composite control that is build from several layers. The TopLayer is an optional AppButton and a collection of Pages:

Each Page can contain a collection of ButtonGroups or Groups or a combination of both.

A ButtonGroup can contain Buttons or SplitButtons.

A Group can contain a list of different items:

From left to right: Button, CheckBox, SplitButton, Separator, ComboBox, RadioButton and TextBox.

You can also use the generic type Control to add about any Control to a RibbonBar group!

Use the following properties to configure your RibbonBar:

  • CausesValidation. Controls whether clicking RibbonBar items causes validation to be performed on the active control.

  • DefaultSize. The default size of the control.

  • AppButton. Represents the application button displayed before the first RibbonBarPage.

  • Tools. The ToolsCollection associated with this control.

  • SelectedPage. The currently active page.

  • SelectedPageIndex., Index of the currently selected page.

  • Pages. The collection of RibbonBarPages in the RibbonBar.

  • ImageList. The collection of images available to the RibbonBar items.

A RibbonBar fires the following events:

  • AppButtonClick. Fired when the RibbonBarAppButton is clicked.

  • SelectedPageChanged. Fired when the value of the SelectedPage property changes.

  • ItemClick. Fired when the user clicks on a RibbonBar item.

  • MenuButtonItemClick. Fired when the user clicks one of the drop down menu items of a RibbonBarItemButton or RibbonBarItemSplitButton.

  • GroupClick. Fired when the user clicks on a RibbonBarGroup button.

  • ItemValueChanged. Fired when the user changes the value of a RibbonBarItem.

  • ToolClick. Fired when the user clicks on a tool.

When opening a RibbonBar in the Visual Studio Designer you can select any of its elements and change its properties directly in the Property Window.

Find more information in our RibbonBar example in C# or in VB.NET.

Last updated