

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.RibbonBar

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.RibbonBar (

Represents a combobox in a RibbonBarGroup.

public class RibbonBarItemComboBox : RibbonBarItem



Boolean: Returns or sets whether the user can edit the combobox. When this property is false, the user can only select one of the drop down items. The default is false. (Default: False)

Int32: Returns or sets the width of the ComboBox field inside the RibbonBarItemComboBox. (Default: 120)

String[]: Returns the array of items displayed in this RibbonBarItemComboBox.

String: Returns or sets the currently selected item or the value in the editable field of the RibbonBarItemComboBox. (Default: null)


EventHandler Fired when the value of the Value property changes.

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