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Adds support for signature input and export.
The Signature extension can be added to a Wisej.NET project using NuGet Package Manager.
Use the following properties to configure your Signature control:
BorderStyle. The style of the Control's border.
LineColor. The color of the Signature line.
LineWidth. The width of the Signature line.
ReadOnly. If true, the Signature cannot be changed.
Use the following methods of your Signature control:
GetImageAsync. Returns an image of the Signature.
IsEmptyAsync. Returns true when there is no Signature.
Load. Loads an image into the Signature control.
CanRedoAsync. Returns true if there is a user action that can be redone.
CanUndoAsync. Returns true if there is a user action that can be undone.
Redo. Redoes the last user action.
Undo. Undoes the last user action.
Signature control fires these events:
SignatureChange. Fired whenever the Signature is changed.