

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.RibbonBar

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.RibbonBar (

Represent a page in a RibbonBar control.

public class RibbonBarPage : Component



Boolean: Returns or sets whether the items in the RibbonBarPage can respond to user interaction. (Default: True)

RibbonBarGroupCollection: Returns the RibbonBarGroup collection in the RibbonBarPage.

String: Returns or sets the name of the RibbonBarPage.

RibbonBar: Returns the RibbonBar that owns this RibbonBarPage.

RibbonBar: Returns the RibbonBar that contains this RibbonBarPage;

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the RibbonBarPage is the currently SelectedPage.

Color: Returns or sets the background color of the RibbonBarPage tab button. (Default: Color [Empty])

Color: Returns or sets the text color of the RibbonBarPage tab button. (Default: Color [Empty])

String: Returns or sets the title of the RibbonBarPage. (Default: "")

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the first character that is preceded by an ampersand (&) is used as the mnemonic key to select this RibbonBarPage. (Default: True)

Boolean: Returns or sets whether the RibbonBarPage is visible or hidden. (Default: True)


Updates the component on the client.

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