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Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.TourPanel
Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.TourPanel (
Represents a steps in a TourPanel.
Placement: Returns or sets the alignment side and position of the TourPanel when this TourStep is shown.
Boolean: Returns or sets a value indicating whether pointer events are allowed on the current target. (Default: False
Int32: Returns or sets the number of seconds to wait before showing the next step when the TourPanel is auto playing the steps. The default value is 0 to use the time set in the DefaultAutoPlayTime property. (Default: 0
ArgumentException When the value is less than 0.
Boolean: Enables or disables the step. When a step is disabled it is skipped from the rotation. (Default: True
Int32: Returns the index of this step in the Steps list.
Boolean: Returns true when this step is currently visible on the TourPanel.
Padding: Returns or sets the offset in pixels of the calculated position of the TourPanel when this TourStep is shown.
Boolean: Determines whether the TourPanel shows the CloseButton and ExitButton buttons when showing this TourStep.
The ExitButton is always shown on the last step.
Object: Returns or sets user-defined data associated with the step. (Default: null
Object: Returns or sets the target for the step. The object can be a reference to a control, a component, or a string with the numeric ID (the Handle) of the target.
String: Identifies the target control within the parent of the TourPanel. (Default: ""
The value of the TargetName property uses the following syntax: controlName.childControlName.childControlName, etc. Nested controls can be reached by specifying the full path. For example, the button child of a panel can be identified as "panel1.button1". Child widgets (widgets that compose more complex widget) can be reached using the slash separator and the name of the child widget. For example, the tools added to a control that supports tools can be reached as "textBox1/tools". Child widgets that are part of the children collection on the client can be reached using the "[]" syntax. For example, the first tool in a tools widget is addressable as "textBox1/tools[0]".
String: Returns or sets the HTML text to display in the TourPanel (Default: ""
String: Returns or sets the title to display in the TourPanel. (Default: ""
TourPanel: Returns the TourPanel that owns this TourStep.
Object: Returns a dynamic object that can be used to store custom data in relation to this component.
EventHandler Fired when the step is hidden.
EventHandler Fired when the step is shown.