

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.Polymer

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.Polymer (

Represents a polymer (https://elements.polymer-project.org/) widget.

public class PolymerWidget : Control



Boolean: Enables HTML content in the Text property.

Newlines (CRLF) are converted to <BR/> when allowHtml is false, or when allowHtml is true and the text doesn't contain any html.

BorderStyle: Indicates the border style for the control. (Default: None)

String: Returns or sets the polymer element class name. (Default: "")

String: Returns or sets the polymer element type. (Default: "")

String[]: Returns or sets the events from the polymer widget to handle on the server side. (Default: null)

Object: Returns or sets the specified property values on the polymer widget and defines the properties to receive back when an event is fired.

String: Returns or sets the HTML content associated with this polymer widget. (Default: "")


Updates the widget definition on the client.


WidgetEventHandler Fired when the widget fires an event.

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