

Namespace: Wisej.Web.Ext.ChartJS

Assembly: Wisej.Web.Ext.ChartJS (

Represents the data used by the ChartJS control to plot the chart. See #line-chart-data-structure for additional information regarding the data structure of ChartJS.

public class DataSet


Constructs a new instance of DataSet.


Color: The fill color of the data set. What it fills is up to the chart type. (Default: Color [Empty])

Color: The border color of the data set. What it fills is up to the chart type. (Default: Color [Empty])

Int32: The width of the border in pixels. (Default: 0)

Object[]: The data to plot. (Default: null)

String[]: Formatted representation of the data to plot displayed when Display is true.

Boolean: Hides the dataset. (Default: False)

String: The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips. (Default: "")

Int32: The drawing order of the dataset. Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend. (Default: 0)

ChartType: Returns the type of chart that plots this type of DataSet.

String: Binds the DataSet to the specified x axis (Default: "")

String: Binds the DataSet to the specified y axis (Default: "")

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