Represents a desktop container that can host floating windows.
Desktop controls are used to provide an easy-to-use container for Form navigation. Only one Desktop can be shown to a user at a time, but an unlimited number of Desktops can be created for each Wisej application.
For a full list of properties, methods and events see the API documentation.
Switch Desktop
Wisej applications can contain an unlimited number of customized Desktops. To switch a Desktop, simply set the Application.Desktop property.
When working with multiple Desktop instances, the existing Forms on the page will be retained.
Child Control
The Desktop container can also be hosted on a Page control.
Trying to add a Desktop control to any other type of control other than a Page will throw an exception in the designer or at runtime.
The Taskbar portion of the Desktop control is used to display and control open Forms. When a new Form is shown within the application, a shortcut for it is automatically created in the Desktop's taskbar.
JavaScript Widget
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